Ich hätte mir mehr Informationen Gewünscht,bzw. eine Bessere Beschreibung! Leider hab ich mich durch die dürftige Beschreibung zum Kauf verleiten lassen. Wenn ich Lese „ihr GPS-Routenplaner“ gehe ich davon aus das ich einem am MacBook angeschlossenen GPS Empfänger (NavLock PL2303-USB) Nutzen kann, dies ist aber nicht der Fall !!! auch ist es sehr schlecht das ich keine Geschwindigkeiten (LKW) für die Routen Berechnung angeben kann. Mein Wunsch eine LKW GPS-Navigation fürs MacBook unter Berücksichtigung der Vorschriften für LKW sowie Längen Höhe und Gewichtsbegrenzung und Gefahrgut wird wohl noch sehr lange ein Wunsch bleiben. So muss ich wohl noch weiterhin mit Windows in der Virtuellen Maschine Navigieren weil niemand Interesse daran hat eine Truck Navigation fürs MacBook zu Programmieren.
Arrival - GPS driving assistant: ETA, travel time and directions to your favorite locations at Mac App Store analyse
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Arrival shows you travel times and helps you to find the best and fastest routes to your favorite locations. You can get turn-by-turn directions in a click.
The app is your personal driving (and walking) assistant and displays current traffic conditions, your estimated time of arrival and the distance you need to travel. Arrival proposes different routes and recommends the best route to you.
Furthermore, Arrival is not just available for your Mac. It also offers an Apple Watch, iPad and iPhone app.
We deeply integrated iCloud sync and handoff into the app.
All your favorite places are shown on all your devices. Using handoff, you can view the driving (or walking) time to your destination on your Mac and get instant turn-by-turn directions on your iPhone.
On your Apple Watch, you can simply raise your wrist and get instant turn-by-turn directions in a tap. Download the iPhone and Apple Watch app now.
Directions are available in your car and when traveling on foot.
Arrival is a great companion to the navigation apps you love (e.g. Google Maps or Apple Maps) and is available as an iPhone, iPad and Mac app. Furthermore it provides a great notification center widget.
Arrival - GPS driving assistant: ETA, travel time and directions to your favorite locations screenshorts
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 4.99 CAD |
China | 28 CNY |
France | 3.99 EUR |
Germany | 3.99 EUR |
Italy | 3.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 3.99 EUR |
Portugal | 3.99 EUR |
Spain | 3.99 EUR |
Poland | 4.49 EUR |
UK | 3.99 GBP |
India | 399 INR |
Japan | 600 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 5500 KRW |
Poland | 19.99 PLN |
Russia | 349 RUB |
Turkey | 179.99 TRY |
USA | 3.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 4.39 USD |
Ukraine | 4.99 USD |
Available for devices
Schlechte Beschreibung, Sehr Enttäuscht !!!
Kein Support wie angegeben
Umständlich, sowohl die Routenplanung als auch das Ausdrucken. Keine Reaktion auf meine Anforderung von „Support“. Ist sein Geld nicht wert!
Very limited application with few functionalities
Do not waste money on this app. Garbage!!!
The guy was right. this is a waaste of money. I downloaded and it doesn’t do anything. Especially no driving directions. Piece of S—T WASTE OF MONEY GO ELSEWHERE. WOULDN’T DOWNLOAD ON MY IPHONE EITHER. PIECE..
Does exactly what it promises and does it well.
I have no idea what the other reviewer expected this app to do. It appears to be designed as a way to see traffic times at a glance to places you regularly go, and it does exactly that and does it quickly and without issue.