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Date Time Calc is an application to calculate future and past dates adding a date interval and to calculate date difference between two assigned date.
It is realized for business and technical user who are in need of calculation of date in a bullet proof way.
Simply and natural as any application has to be, you will be amazed using it!
• Calculate future date adding 150 days from today
• Calculate the difference in years, months, days between 25 March 2009 and today
• Calculate precise time difference between previous Monday at 09:55:30 and next Friday at 11:07:15
• Calculate time from now and next year December 10 at 12 PM
• it uses natural elements to compute dates (by popular demand from the user of the old release)
• Add or subtract to dates, years, months, days in Calendar Date mode
• Add or subtract days, hours , minutes and seconds to guess future and past date-times in Time Precision mode
• No calculation buttons, adjusting date and time in two elements and instantly the result in the remaining third element is updated
• Result is also displayed in textual form on the bottom of the window.
• Result in the log (persistent over re-launch)
• Mac standard date-time controls you already know
• Results displayed and updated as you type
• Date format are expressed in accordance with your country settings
• Uses natural elements to compute dates (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
• Uses natural elements also to compute differences (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
• Result can be copied to the clipboard in textual format
• Date display using your current local settings and language
• Set date to now button for fast calculation of backward and forward dates from the current date
• Calculates time difference, if requested, also using hours, minutes, seconds
• Calculates time interval, if requested, also using hours, minutes, seconds
• It can add or also subtract time
• Result summarized also in a plain text to avoid misinterpretation
• The result can be sent to the log, saved over re-launch
• Log can be reset at any time
• Bullet proof results using macOS Apple libraries to calculate and manipulate dates
• Fully compatible with Dark Mode Appearance
• PDF user guide embedded in the app and accessible via the Help menu
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It is realized for business and technical user who are in need of calculation of date in a bullet proof way.
Simply and natural as any application has to be, you will be amazed using it!
• Calculate future date adding 150 days from today
• Calculate the difference in years, months, days between 25 March 2009 and today
• Calculate precise time difference between previous Monday at 09:55:30 and next Friday at 11:07:15
• Calculate time from now and next year December 10 at 12 PM
• it uses natural elements to compute dates (by popular demand from the user of the old release)
• Add or subtract to dates, years, months, days in Calendar Date mode
• Add or subtract days, hours , minutes and seconds to guess future and past date-times in Time Precision mode
• No calculation buttons, adjusting date and time in two elements and instantly the result in the remaining third element is updated
• Result is also displayed in textual form on the bottom of the window.
• Result in the log (persistent over re-launch)
• Mac standard date-time controls you already know
• Results displayed and updated as you type
• Date format are expressed in accordance with your country settings
• Uses natural elements to compute dates (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
• Uses natural elements also to compute differences (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
• Result can be copied to the clipboard in textual format
• Date display using your current local settings and language
• Set date to now button for fast calculation of backward and forward dates from the current date
• Calculates time difference, if requested, also using hours, minutes, seconds
• Calculates time interval, if requested, also using hours, minutes, seconds
• It can add or also subtract time
• Result summarized also in a plain text to avoid misinterpretation
• The result can be sent to the log, saved over re-launch
• Log can be reset at any time
• Bullet proof results using macOS Apple libraries to calculate and manipulate dates
• Fully compatible with Dark Mode Appearance
• PDF user guide embedded in the app and accessible via the Help menu
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 7.99 CAD |
China | 38 CNY |
France | 6.99 EUR |
Germany | 6.99 EUR |
Italy | 6.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 6.99 EUR |
Portugal | 6.99 EUR |
Spain | 6.99 EUR |
Poland | 6.99 EUR |
UK | 5.99 GBP |
India | 599 INR |
Japan | 1000 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 8800 KRW |
Poland | 29.99 PLN |
Russia | 499 RUB |
Turkey | 249.99 TRY |
USA | 5.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 6.59 USD |
Ukraine | 6.99 USD |