Estimation application downloads and cost
Take back your Mac!
FastComputer is here to protect your computer from apps that eat up your computer’s resources. They slow your Mac down and can even freeze it completely!
FastComputer is a powerful but simple weapon to fight them! You don’t even need any programming or system administration skills to use it. Get the most out of your Mac!
• Shows which apps are occupying the most resources
• Allows you to quickly “Force Quit” an app that’s making your Mac crawl
• Can shut down resource-hungry apps in just 2 clicks and 3 seconds
• Doesn’t include any complicated setup... just install and go!
• Delivers 2× the speed of Activity Monitor, and consumes way less resources!
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FastComputer is here to protect your computer from apps that eat up your computer’s resources. They slow your Mac down and can even freeze it completely!
FastComputer is a powerful but simple weapon to fight them! You don’t even need any programming or system administration skills to use it. Get the most out of your Mac!
• Shows which apps are occupying the most resources
• Allows you to quickly “Force Quit” an app that’s making your Mac crawl
• Can shut down resource-hungry apps in just 2 clicks and 3 seconds
• Doesn’t include any complicated setup... just install and go!
• Delivers 2× the speed of Activity Monitor, and consumes way less resources!
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 7.99 CAD |
China | 38 CNY |
France | 6.99 EUR |
Germany | 6.99 EUR |
Italy | 6.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 6.99 EUR |
Portugal | 6.99 EUR |
Spain | 6.99 EUR |
Poland | 6.99 EUR |
UK | 5.99 GBP |
India | 599 INR |
Japan | 1000 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 8800 KRW |
Poland | 29.99 PLN |
Russia | 499 RUB |
Turkey | 249.99 TRY |
USA | 5.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 6.59 USD |
Ukraine | 6.99 USD |