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share your favorite words in style or caption your pictures ~ make a quotagram
Express yourself now with quotagram. Quickly and easily select from over 180,000 preloaded quotes, or enter your own, select the colors (or picture) and font that suit you best, and share with everyone via Instagram, Twitter, and more. The possibilities are endless!
*Largest quote database in the App Store ~ over 180,000 quotes and over 15,000 authors to choose from
* Endless color possibilities for background and text
* Choose your own picture for background
* Easily save image to use as wallpaper
* Share via:
- Instagram
- Twitter
- SMS or Email (clipboard)
All quotes and attributions are believed to be accurate, but no guarantees are made. All quotes are the rights of their original authors.
Read more
Express yourself now with quotagram. Quickly and easily select from over 180,000 preloaded quotes, or enter your own, select the colors (or picture) and font that suit you best, and share with everyone via Instagram, Twitter, and more. The possibilities are endless!
*Largest quote database in the App Store ~ over 180,000 quotes and over 15,000 authors to choose from
* Endless color possibilities for background and text
* Choose your own picture for background
* Easily save image to use as wallpaper
* Share via:
- SMS or Email (clipboard)
All quotes and attributions are believed to be accurate, but no guarantees are made. All quotes are the rights of their original authors.
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | free |
China | free |
France | free |
Germany | free |
Italy | free |
Netherlands | free |
Portugal | free |
Spain | free |
Poland | free |
UK | free |
India | free |
Japan | free |
Russia | free |
Turkey | free |
USA | free |
Korea, Republic Of | free |
Ukraine | free |