Es existieren 3 Modi: 1. Intervall (Man kann eine Runden- und eine Pausenzeit einstellen sowie die Rundenzahll) 2. Countdown (Eine beliebige Zeit sowie Rundenzahl wird eingegeben und die Zeit läuft rückwärts - zB von 10min an, bis die Zeit herum ist. Bei mehr als einer Runde beginnt dann die nächste Runde usw.) 3. Man gibt nur die Rundenzeit ein, zB eine Minute, und dann wird von 0:00 - 1:00 gezählt und dann wieder von vorne. Die Runden werden gezählt, nach jeder Runde kommt ein Ton und dies geht so lange, bis man „Stopp“ drückt. Toll wäre noch ein 4. Modus - eine ganz normale Stoppuhr. Ansonsten echt vielseitig einsetzbar.
Estimation application downloads and cost
Special timer for interval training
The opportunity to display mode:
- Tabata Protocol
- Just rounds
- Ability to display the number and duration of rounds
- Interval Stopwatch
Good luck in your workouts!
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 0.99 CAD |
China | 8 CNY |
France | 0.99 EUR |
Germany | 0.99 EUR |
Italy | 0.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 0.99 EUR |
Portugal | 0.99 EUR |
Spain | 0.99 EUR |
Poland | 2.29 EUR |
UK | 0.99 GBP |
India | 99 INR |
Japan | 150 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 1100 KRW |
Poland | 4.99 PLN |
Russia | 99 RUB |
Turkey | 39.99 TRY |
USA | 0.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 2.19 USD |
Ukraine | 0.99 USD |
Available for devices
Простой и удобный интервальный таймер!
Soldi buttati!!!!!!!
1,99 € buttati. Non è possibile modificare il volume del timer e non è possibile nemmeno scegliere il “bip”. Il volume della musica è sempre più alto del volume del timer. Pessima app
Needs Work.
Agree that there should be more than one alert sound. Also, you can only save three timers and one has no rest period. Big plus would be if it played in the background so you could listen to music.I use “SECONDS” on my iPhone I wish they had it for OS X.
Looks Great
This would be a 5 star app if we could customize the sounds for each round and rest. The default beeps will be hard to hear over music.
You can customize the number of reps and the time for work and rest. My problem is that you only get a single sound <beep> to signal work and rest periods. This does not work for me. I want this to run this in the background while I watch something else on my mac. I count on the beeps to signal me when to work and rest. Really wish I could customise the sounds so I could discriminate the work and rest intervals without putting the app on the screen.