Company BlackCube created these great apps:
GreaterBot, Kazu Corp., LightHouse Says, LightHouse Says P, In The Sky: Metatron's Tree, Super Space X, Super Qwerty Tank Z, Super Space X Lite, Super Space X, Super Qwerty Tank Z, Trees Have Eyes, Kazu Corp: The Math Challenge, Born To Pong, Super Space Double X, Tic Tac Pablo, Born to Pong for iPad, Q!: The Impossible Challenge, Q!: The Impossible Challenge for iPad, Accuracy!: Into the Black Hole, CatTroid: Among Humans, How Many Dudes are in this Mansion?, Brains Up!, CatTroid: Among Stickers, Metronomeer, Super Coin Toss, The Last Journey of the Kormet, and others..