Company Wuonm created these great apps:
Canvas #1, Boss SMS (he), Boss Phone (he), Boss E-mail (he), Boyfriend E-mail, Boyfriend Phone, Boyfriend SMS, Dad E-mail, Dad Phone, Dad SMS, Girlfriend E-mail, Girlfriend Phone, Girlfriend SMS, Boss E-mail (she), Boss Phone (she), Boss SMS (she), Mom E-mail, Mom Phone, Mom SMS, Canvas #2, Grandad Phone, Grandad E-mail, Grandad SMS, Daughter Phone, Doctor Phone, Grandma Phone, Grandma SMS, Grandma Mail, Son Phone, Home E-mail, 1Shoot - Timelapse, Burst, Anti-shake Full Screen Camera, Home Phone, Home SMS, Taxi Phone, Take-out Phone, Friend Phone (She), Friend SMS (She), Daughter SMS, Pizza Phone, Friend E-mail (She), Son SMS, Son E-mail, Daughter E-mail, Pizza E-mail, Pizza SMS, Friend Phone (He), Friend SMS (He), Doctor E-mail, Taxi E-mail, Friend E-mail (He), Girlfriend Sunglasses Phone, Take-out E-mail, Taxi SMS, Doctor SMS, Take-out SMS, DisCover - Play your favorite music with one tap, Girlfriend Sophisticated Phone, Girlfriend Sophisticated SMS, Girlfriend Romantic Phone, Girlfriend Romantic SMS, Girlfriend Sunglasses SMS, Girlfriend Sophisticated E-mail, DisCover Lite - Home screen artwork icons to play your music, Girlfriend Romantic E-mail, Girlfriend Sunglasses E-mail, PhotoJam, Swapp, Layers Shots, CmdVees, and others..