Company Black Cat Systems created these great apps:
WireCalc, Elmer General, Elmer Technician, Elmer Extra, Transmission Line Calc, RF Link Calc, dB Calc, Drill Calc, Photon Calc, iFunctionGenerator, iSweep, iUnit Measurement Conversion, iAttenuation, Weather Calc, iSoundex, Field Strength Calc, iSoundByte, Atoms To Go Table of Elements, Morse Mania, Remote Control For Sound Byte Cart Machine Program, Function Generator Pad, Audio Spectrum Analyzer, NAVTEX Pad, Packet Pad, PSK31, Morse Pad, ACARS, SSTV Slow Scan TV, iGeiger, HF Weather Fax, Sound Byte Cart Machine App, Radiation Map Tracker displays worldwide radiation, Shortwave Broadcast Schedules, DX Toolbox, Selcall Selective Calling Tone, Morse Mania, The Audio ToolBox, Elmer, RF ToolBox, DX ToolBox, Sound Byte, Atoms To Go, iUnit, Sound Byte Lite, Sound Byte Pro, ALE Automatic Link Establishment MIL-STD-188-141B Decoder for Shortwave and Ham Radio, GMDSS Global Marine Distress and Safety System Decoder, Feld Hellschreiber, Synth 76477 Complex Sound Synthesizer, Radiation Map Tracker Free, Godafoss Audio Spectrum Waterfall QRSS CW FSKCW, Synth Motion, Synth 76477 Sound Synthesizer, Graph Paper Maker, ClikTrak, HFFax Shortwave Weather Fax, ACARS Aircraft Transmission Decoder, NAVTEX, DGPS Decoder, Keto Frenzy, and others..