Company Sanken System Co.,Ltd. created these great apps:
iMedicine, Breaking Bear, Fukuwarai, LP Player, iMed Lite, EZ Guitarist with Effects, Infection RSS, Ping The Faces, and Scratch, Panda Player, abcDJ, BB Lite Christmas, PP Lite Christmas, EZG Lite TM, abcDJ Fire edition, and Scratch Fire edition, iTurntable, iTurntable Fire edition, EZG Lite TM2, abcDJ Splatter edition, EZG Lite TI, iTurntable Splatter edition, EZG Lite TI2, EZG Lite WJ, EZG Lite WJ2, Hi-Scores LP Player, EZG Lite AY, EZG Lite AY2, EZG Lite AY3, EZ Guitarist for iPad, Ping The Faces For iPad, iTurntable HD, abcDJ HD, and Scratch Splatter Edition, and others..