Company DotEmu created these great apps:
Golvellius - The Valley of Doom, Nicky Boom 2, Golvellius (JP), Krypton Egg, Raptor Call of the Shadows, Nicky Boom, Nicky Boom 2, Irem Arcade Hits, Another World - 20th, The Last Express, Raiden Legacy, Karateka, Another World - 20th Anniversary, Raiden Legacy, Karateka Classic, R-TYPE, The Last Express, ライデンファイターズ, Double Dragon Trilogy, R-TYPE II, Little Big Adventure - Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure, Ys Chronicles 1, Sanitarium, Ys Chronicles II, Titan Quest, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Pang Adventures, NEO TURF MASTERS, Double Dragon 4, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, and others..