Company Learning Games Lab, NM State University created these great apps:
Pearl Diver: Number Line Math, Math Snacks Video, Pearl Diver HD, Lobster Diver, Lobster Diver HD, Math Snacks HD, Eat & Move-O-Matic, Demographica, Southwest Plant Selector, Volunteerica, Ratio Rumble, Eat It Tweet It, e-Judging, How Well Do You Know New Mexico?, PowerPay Debt Elimination, 4-H Livestock Record, Touch Sound, eJudging Pro, Night of the Living Debt, Virtual Labs: Controlling Water Activity in Food, Virtual Labs: pH Scale and Meter Calibration, Virtual Labs: Adjusting pH, Virtual Labs: Bacteria Sampling, Virtual Labs: Testing for Corn Mold Mycotoxins, Virtual Labs: Gram Staining, Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity, Virtual Labs: Using a Microscope, Kid Eats, Tasting Party Express, Jungle Gym 1, Spin-n-Move, Jungle Gym 2, Test Strip Lab, Aggie-COVID-19, and others..