Company Com2uS USA, Inc. created these great apps:
The World of Magic: IMO, Slice It!, Slice It! FREE, Slice It! Begins, Inotia 3: Children of Carnia, Tower Defense®, Tower Defense® HD, 컴투스 맞고, Tower Defense Lite, Witch Wars: Puzzle, Tiny Farm®, Gold Jumper, Derby Days, Gold Jumper Lite, Slice it!, Zombie Band, Las Vegas Story, HB2 PLUS, HB2 Lite, 컴투스프로야구2013 PLUS, 컴투스프로야구2013, Inotia 3: Eternity, Zombie Band Free, Inotia 4 PLUS, イノティア戦記4 PLUS, Inotia 4, Phoenix Nest, 9 Innings: 2016 Pro Baseball PLUS, 9 Innings: 2016 Pro Baseball, 삼국지 디펜스2, Golf Star™, 타이니팡2 for Kakao, Tower Defense®, Heroes War™, Tiny Pop, with HIVE, 컴투스프로야구 for 매니저, The Mansion: A Puzzle of Rooms, Knights N Squires, Ace Fishing: Wild Catch, Wizcraft, Divine Girls, and others..