Company Truncated Tales Limited created these great apps:
TractorBeams, DarkFlow, Poodle Jumper, Penguini, The Radio, Spinvaders, NoodleJump, iSnowdome, Musical Memory, nuMail, Mr Word, Pro Radio, Penguini Pro, Mr Word Pro, Rewind Time, The Henge, Simon Exploded, Radio Cloud, Radio Cloud - Stream Live Music Radio, Toads Tables, Toads Tables Lite, Terraform Pro, Terraform Lite, Radio Cloud, Terraform, Music Game Pro - improve your memory, iSnowdome Pro, Poodle Jump Pro, Spinvaders Pro, Simon Exploded Lite, The Henge Pro, Noodle Pro, The Henge, Mr Word, Spinvaders, Poodle Jumper, Poodle Jumper Lite, Penguini, Mr Word Lite, Radio Cloud Lite, Mr Word Junior, Mr Word Junior Lite, Air Radio Pro, Air Radio Lite, Welly Jump, Country Pub Quiz, Country Pub Quiz Lite, Ice Break, Happy Bird Pro, Happy Bird Lite, Cherry Crush, Mr Block, Mr Checkers, Mr Turn, Mr Chess, Mr Draughts Pro, Mr Chess Pro, iReader, Space Peas, Mr Cards, and others..