Company Tatsuya Tobioka created these great apps:
JavaScript Anywhere JSAnywhere, Edhita: Text Editor, RoutineWorks - Very Simple and Lightweight Task Management Tool, CoffeeScript At Once, Onit - Quick and "Private" Twitter Client, Narrow: Plain hypetext web browser, Naming Memo, TracingManga, JP TeckBook Timeline, ムックログ 〜ブランドムックや付録付き雑誌をチェック!, Baby Counter One-tap recording for your child, Urlife あなたの人生を考えるインフォグラフィックス, Trico - Hello world without PC, Tetloop, Gistodo, Flip One Color, Remaining - Little time left, 140note - in a 140-char world., Gradientor, ABFlow - A-B repeat player, KeyFolder2 - Filelist with PIN, Pixelet: Pixel Art Programming, and others..