Company Abu Studio Inc created these great apps:
Reggae Roots Drum Loops, PowWow Loops, Rock Drum Loops, cymatics drum loops, Jazz Drum Loops, Indie Drum Loops, Instant Country Drums Beats, Brutal Double Pedal Metal Drum Loops, Blues Drum board, The Legendary Amen Break for Drum and Bass heads, Christmas Carols and Bells, POGO PuNk ROOTS DRUM LOOPS, Tabla Drum Loops Riyaz, Reggaeton Drum Machine, Conga Drum Loops, Marching Band Drum Loops, Salvation Army Christmas Bells, Occupy Protest Drums, Dub Step Bass Loops, BEAT B0X, Turnip the Beets, Cow Bell Beats, Text EFX, Death Metal Drum Loops, Druid Drum Loops, Metal Drum Loops 2, Vaudevillian Comedy & CowBells, and others..