Company Wales Interactive Ltd. created these great apps:
Kitten Calculator, Mr Frog the Neighbours Dog, World Torch Challenge, Mrs Sprat Next Doors Cat, Super Combombo Bubble Blaster, Stride Files, Jack Vs Ninjas, DJ space, Jibs Jump Fruit Frenzy Free, Stride Files: The Square Murder, Jack Vs Ninjas, Mrs Doe the Local Crow - Animoolz, Miss Giraffe the Farmers Calf - Animoolz, Mr Tiger the House Spider - Animoolz, DJ space, Gravity Badgers, Mr Tiger the House Spider, Miss Giraffe the Farmers Calf, Mrs Doe the Local Crow, Mrs Sprat Next Doors Cat, Mr Frog the Neighbours Dog, Gravity Badgers, Master Reboot, Infinity Runner, The Bunker, The Shapeshifting Detective, The Complex, Five Dates, Night Book, I Saw Black Clouds, Bloodshore, Who Muted Uncle Marcus?, Mia and the Dragon Princess, Ten Dates, The Isle Tide Hotel, Maid of Sker, and others..