Company Wanderful, Inc. created these great apps:
Tortoise & the Hare, Arthur's Teacher Trouble, Little Monster at School, Harry and the Haunted House, In A Fight, Berenstain Bears, Arthur's Birthday, Wanderful Storybooks, In The Dark, Berenstain Bears, UK-Arthur's Birthday, UK-Harry and the Haunted House, UK-Little Monster at School, UK-Tortoise and the Hare, Tortoise and the Hare, Ruff's Bone, Little Monster at School, Harry and the Haunted House, Arthur's Birthday, Arthur's Teacher Trouble, Ruff's Bone, Berenstain Bears in a Fight, Berenstain Bears In the Dark, Storybook Sampler, The New Kid on the Block, The New Kid on the Block 2, ES-Cuentos Wanderful, The Story of Creation by LA, Daniel in the Lion's Den by LA, Daniel in the Lion's Den - LA, The Story of Creation - LA, FR-L'Anniversaire D'Arthur, FR-Harry et la Maison Hantée, FR-Petit Monstre À L'École, FR-Le Lièvre et la Tortue, DE-Arthurs Geburtstag, DE-Kleines Monster, DE-Schildkröte und der Hase, DE-Harry und das Geisterhaus, JP-ハリーとお化け屋敷, JP-カメ&ウサギ, JP-リトル モンスターがっこうへいく, JP-バーンスタイン ベアーズの 戦いに入る, Noah's Ark by Little Ark, Noah's Ark - LA, Just Grandma & Me - Original, UK-Just Grandma & Me, and others..