Company Brandon Smith created these great apps:
Homebrewer, Homebrewer Pro, Paint Calculators, Paint Calculator Pro, Wedding Days, Quiz Time- Justin Bieber Edition, The Geek Game, The Geek Game - Computer Trivia, Pregnancy Days, iMaster -, iMaster - 3rd Grade Math, Lawn Master, iMaster, iMaster 3rd Grade Math, iMaster - HTML & CSS, iMaster HTML & CSS, iMaster - C#, iMaster C#, iMaster - JavaScript, iMaster JavaScript, iMaster - Web Development, iMaster Web Development, iMaster 3rd Grade Math, iMaster ASP.NET, iMaster JavaScript, iMaster HTML & CSS, iMaster Web Development, iMaster C#, Homebrewer Pro, iMaster Objective C, iMaster - Objective C, Holiday Fireplace, Holidays Fireplace, iMaster Java, iMaster - Java, iMaster PHP, iMaster - PHP, iMaster Java, iMaster PHP, iMaster Objective C, Paint Calculator Pro, iMaster CompTIA Security+, iMaster - CompTIA Security+, iMaster CompTIA Security+, Flashcards Pro K-3rd Grade Addition, Flashcard Pro- 50 States and Capitals, Flashcards Pro - Multiplication, iMaster Biology, iMaster Ruby on Rails, iMaster NodeJS, and others..