Company Justin Heintz created these great apps:
SocialPost for iPhone, Music Share Free, Music Share Pro, iClimate for iPhone, Jottings Pro, Checklist Lite - Keep track of things, Checklist Pro - Keep track of things, MoodTracker - A mood recorder, Bug Smasher - Smash & Crush the Bugs, The 3x3 Grid, #NowPlaying Social Plus, Tip and Bill Split Calculator, 88.7 The Pulse, Climategram, Froggie Jump Lite, Froggie Jump Pro, Bully Bull Stickers, Save the Chicken Eggs, Silver Screen Beat, SimpleCalculator +/-, Match da Dots, HotdogMoji, Ahh - Circle Strategy, TipCalculate - A tip Calculator, Fast Food Emoji, 24 Fruitmoji, Hangman - A Vocabulary Game, ChickenMoji, Celebration Stickers Pro, Cube Kids, BOO Monsters, Hand Drawn Desserts, Halloween Doodles, NEON 90.7, Santa & Elf Hats for Messages, Christmas & New Years Stickers, LOVE – Valentines Day Stickers, PopcornMoji, Saint Patrick's Day Stickers, LOVE for Valentines Day, Think Positive: Sticker Pack, Calendar for Lockscreen, Would U Rather, DB Secret Menu, DB Sticker Day, Track My Hydration, and others..