Company Diwudada Inc. created these great apps:
DOOL (Minimalist Ideation Browser), DOOL (the Intellectual Candy Store) for iPad®, ROOL by Roulette Experts, ROOL, 赌博记账器(为戒赌自控者开发), Yummolate™ Classic Version, Yummolate™ Spooky Edition, ROOL for American Roulette, 轮盘克星, 轮盘克星, Handy Profit Calculator (Double down or Defend your bottom line), 股票计算器(止损止盈,要的就是这股计较劲), Handy Profit Calculator, Stock Alarm (Short or long the Equities, Forex, Futures or Bonds by planning), 股票倒计时(提醒自己最佳时机去做多或者做空), Stock Alarm, BigData666, and others..