Company White Squirrel Software Inc. created these great apps:
SuperMatch Extreme, Appicons and Launchimages, GoldMine Mortgage Analyzer, GoldMine Rent Analyzer-Canada, GoldMine Rent Analyzer-USA, GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer, GoldMine Flip Analyzer, GoldMine Mini Flip Analyzer, Night Owl: Send Voice Messages in Email or Text, Appicons and Launchimages Lite, SuperMatch Kids: Challenge Your Child's Memory and Focus, Attrition, Bubble Trouble in Italy, Shipping Tycoon: Profit Baron, GoldMine Lease or Buy Analyzer, 21+ Advanced BlackJack, Wittys Word Wizard, Wittys Solitaire, Wittys Word Fallout, Wittys Word Breakout, Wittys Word War, 749, MineSweeper Extreme, Wittys Word Sweeper, Abbeys Mortgage Wizard, Abbeys Sleepy Time, and others..