Company RICHENCO PTE. LTD. created these great apps:
Prof. McMurphy: Subliminal Hypnosis Affirmations, Professor McMurphy Subliminal Message Games with Binaural Isochronic Sounds for Hypnosis & Self-Hypnosis, Professor McMurphy Subliminal Message Games with Binaural Isochronic Sounds for Hypnosis & Self-Hypnosis, Professor McMurphy, ClickFace :), ClickFace :), BOLERO Challenge Your Brain, Experience the Flow, Connect the Square Blocks & Dots Puzzle, BOLERO Challenge Your Brain & Connect the Square Blocks Puzzle, POOL SIMULATOR - Play Real 3D 8 Ball Billiards, POOL SIMULATOR - Play Real 3D 8 Ball Billiards, hypnoLANGUAGE, hypnoLANGUAGE: Vocabulary, and others..