Company Davetech Co., Ltd. created these great apps:
MinimaList Pro, hot or not-beauty & ugly meter-how pretty do i look, Currency Converter & Widget, MinimaList - To do list & Task, 广告拦截 infy:视频广告过滤 & 净网大师, Infy 广告拦截 - 视频广告过滤神器 for iPhone 4s & 5 (an adsafe app), Clear Currency - convert currencies right within Safari, Slots now - slot machine widget game real simple las vegas casino games classic 777 big win chance free, Wealfie - selfie with weather forecast, infy:广告拦截,净网大师, Live wallpaper maker, MinimaList: To do list & Task, Habit Tracker, Bolt - Filter & Watermark tool, Fonts for iPhones, and others..