Company Kun Mao created these great apps:
QT Converter - A powerful QT converter that can convert video formats to QT format, Beautify, 通讯录 - 一款非常好用的通讯辅助软件,支持短信群发和联系人分组管理, Mars Text - Support 50 kinds of flower words, 字体预览 - 预览字体在12种语言环境下的显示效果, Font Preview - Font Picker, Protractor - A practical angle measuring tool, Currency Converter - Real-time Exchange Rate, Image Converter - Supports JPG PNG BMP TIFF GIF, Protractor - Screen Protractor, HTTP Request Analysis, Push Box - A Game For All Ages, Text Editor - Text To Speech, Math Calculator - Math Formula, 汉语词典 - 成语出处及释义, 360° Protractor - A practical angle measuring tool, 邮编查询 - 最全的中国邮政编码查询, 号码归属地 - 最好用的手机号码归属地查询利器, 拼音助手 - 汉语拼音学习必备软件, Translate - 27 Hot Languages, Math Calculator - Math Formula, Mars Text - Support 50 kinds of flower words, GIF Factory - Create a GIF, Color Picker - Color Preview, Developer JSON Tool - JSON Validator & Formatter, Icon Factory - ICO ICNS Maker, 邮编查询 - 最全的中国邮政编码查询, 黄历 - 黄历吉日查询, Face Trouble - Classic Puzzle Game, Protractor - A practical angle measuring tool, Desktop Clock - Dock Clock, All Translate - Support 27 language online service, Barcode Generator -23 Barcodes, Currency Converter - Real-time Exchange Rates, 有快递, HTTP Request Analysis, M4V Converter - A powerful M4V converter that can convert video formats to M4V format, All Translate - 27 languages, App Shortcut -Create a desktop shortcut of the app, MP3 Converter, WAV Converter - A powerful audio format converter, support a variety of audio format conversion, Color Converter -Support 5 color format conversion, Transformations - Word Count, Encryption, DES Encryption, AES Encryption, Unit Converter - Measure Units, Push Box - A Game For All Ages, MD5 Encryption, String Formatter - Supports 33 formats conversion, 历史常识 - 开启中华五千年历史之门, Faces Classification, National Flags - 国旗大全, 汉语词典 - 成语出处及释义, unRAR Pro - RAR ZIP 7z Extract, MP4 Converter - A powerful MP4 converter that can convert video formats to MP4 format, unRAR - RAR ZIP 7z Extractor, MOV Converter - A powerful MOV converter that can convert video formats to MOV format, Media Converter - A powerful Media converter that support mov qt mp4 m4v video formats conversion, Photo Exif Data Viewer PC, Photos GIF Maker - Make a GIF from images, GIF Factory - Create a GIF, ScreenCap - Take Screenshot, Ruler - A Precise Ruler, 号码归属地 - 最好用的手机号码归属地查询利器, Font Preview - Font Picker, Barcode Generator -23 Barcodes, Ruler ME, Torch - Supports nighttime camera and flicker, Photo Exif Data Viewer, Transformations - Word Count, 颜色预览 - 140种web标准色和216种web安全色效果预览, Color Picker - Color Preview, Photo Protect - Useful App for securing your Photos, Chinese Pinyin - Helps us to learn Chinese, String Formatter - Supports 33 formats conversion, Unit Converter - Measure Units, Length Converter - Convert Length Measurement Unit, Area Converter - Convert Area Measurement Unit, Volume Converter - Convert Volume Measurement Unit, Weight Converter - Convert Weight Measurement Unit, Temperature Converter - Convert Temperature Unit, Pressure Converter - Convert Pressure Unit, Color Preview - A Powerful Color Tool, Art Image Factory - ASCII Art, Ruler - A Screen Ruler For You, 唐诗三百首 - 含唐诗三百首全集赏析, 驾考助手 - 驾驶员考试题库及试题讲解, 黄历 - 黄历吉日查询, Decibel Meter - Noise Meter, Webpage Screenshot - Capture, Math Calculator - 数学计算器, Decibel Meter - Noise Meter, Translate - 27 Hot Languages, Art Image Factory - ASCII Art, 英汉词典 - 离线英汉双语词典, 英汉词典 - 离线英汉双语词典, Protractor - Screen Protractor, 故事会 - 读故事让我快乐, Decibel Meter - Noise Meter, and others..