Company Strelka Limited created these great apps:
Deposit - compound interest calculator with periodic additions and withdrawals, Cash Loan - calculator: control debt and restore credit, Options - option calculator, Mortgage - loan calculator, GetRate Currency Exchange Rate, Total FX - multicurrency, FX Corr - currency correlation for foreign exchange market - dollar, euro rates, FX Option, CSS Calculator Pro, GetRate - Currency Exchange Rates, Deposit, Focus / DOF hyperfocal calculator depth of field, Cash Loan, FX Diff - compare FOREX pairs, inc BTC, ETH, Mortgage, Options, FX Options, Focus Lt hyperfocal DOF, TotalFX Lt - multicurrency, FX Corr Lt, FX Option Lt, FX Diff Lt - compare FOREX, Deposit Tax - calculator for deposits with taxes, Chinese 23 - Mandarin Chinese language dictionary, Русский 23 - мультиязычный словарь, Deposit Tax Lt calculator for deposits with taxes, Español 23: diccionarios multilingües, Deutsch 23: Mehrsprachiges Wörterbuch, Français 23: Dictionnaire multilingue, Italiano 23: Dizionario multi-lingue, Português 23: Dicionário multilingue, 한국어 23 : 다국어 사전, 日本語23:多言語辞書, Options Lt - option calculator, Deutsch: Deutsches Wörterbuch, Spanish: dictionary, CEFR exam, Italian dictionary:learn words, and others..