Company Level Infinite created these great apps:
Arena of Valor, 爆走ドリフターズ, アリーナ・オブ・ヴァラー, Chess Rush, 콜 오브 듀티: 모바일, Undawn, 聖闘士星矢 ライジングコスモ, Alchemy Stars, Fashion Dream, Contra Returns, Chimeraland, Undawn(アンドーン), Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 INFINITY, Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS, Alchemy Stars: Aurora Blast, Undawn, Dragon Nest 2: Evolution, 드래곤네스트2: 에볼루션, 천애명월도M, GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, Tower of Fantasy, ChimeraLand, Apex 英雄M, Honor of Kings, NBA Infinite - PvP Basketball, 森こもり生活, Command & Conquer™: Legions, 趣學普通話, Tarisland, Age of Empires Mobile, 腾讯掼蛋, and others..