Company RUCKYGAMES CO., LTD. created these great apps:
iSashimiLITE, ColorPuzzle, Pictcross Doubt, calctraining, calctraining-add-, calctraining-sub-, calctraining-mul-, calctraining-div-, iSashimi, WhiteJigsawPuzzle, WhiteJigsawPuzzle-LITE-, Regent Style vs Trombone, iRevolution, CountDicePuzzle, iRevolution lite, CountDicePuzzle lite, ConnectBlockPuzzle, ConnectBlockPuzzle lite, Gestaltzerfall, Gestaltzerfall_lite, NOW LOADING, about split, FallBlockPuzzle, Ruku Imagine:Cake Shop, Puzzle the Curry, BlockBreak, SquareBlockPuzzle, Pedestrian signal, ดดดดดด-Gestaltzerfall-, 7card, A turkey -Let's eat-, add time, KuriSmash, i鏡餅 -Kagami mochi-, Shoji action, 7card lite, Japan-和風時計-, iMahjong solitaire, iMahjong solitaire lite, i節分 -Setsubun-, add time lite, MinesFeel, Cross Shot, i肉饅 -Niku man-, Cross Shot lite, NOW LOADING..., i大刺身 -iOh!Sashimi-, Cross Shot X, CountDiceG, Minesweeper Danger, Cross Shot X lite, CountDiceG lite, Ruku Imagine:Cake Shop lite, Brain Reverse -Gestaltzerfall-, ぬ (ぬめぬめ), iMahjong solitaire for iPad, ! , ぬ(らいと), ColorPuzzle for iPad, 7card HD, iRevolution HD, 52Anthem, GeoBlocks, Touch the Prime Numbers, :) face game, Dot Eat Snake?, >=<, GeoDice, Touch the Tokugawa, 55Poker, 55Poker LITE, Battery tweet, reverse word, ARROW 10, 三國志三分, ヤダヤダ, iヒナ マツリ, . search, Freedom Fishing, MY NUMBER PLACE, iコイ ノボリ, SquareBlockPuzzle lite, FBP lite, THREE MATCH PUZZLE, NONSTAP, BlockBreak lite, Escalevator, 16 puzzle -white-, ひっさん -小学生ぐらいでかけ算解く時にやったアレ-, あぬめ, カロリー仕分け 〜どっちが太る?〜, KuriSmash2, ワタシ ヲ (デキルダケ ギリギリデ) マモッテ, Ruku's heart balloon Apps, Infinity Sashimi, Spider Solitaire (trump), Klondike (solitaire), Pyramid (solitaire), ウラギリモノ ヲ ケチラセ, Gunma's Ambition, and others..