Jenkins Jr
11 years ago
by Ievgen Solodovnykov
Jenkins Jr is Jenkins nephew who now works as courier. He checks Jenkins jobs youd ask him to check...
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Mathlete Jr
14 years ago
by Clever Coding LLC
Mathlete Jr aides children in developing basic arithmetic skills.
The app centers around taking...
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Jenkins Notifier
12 years ago
by FourApps
Jenkins Notifier is the missing link that allows you to monitor your Jenkins CI Server job statuses...
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Easy Piano Chords
10 years ago
by Joseph D'Alessandro Jr.
Learn to play all those "Easy Piano" chords found in standard "Easy Piano" books and sheet music wit...
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Word Search Jr. - An Educational Game from School Zone
9 years ago
by School Zone Publishing
Experiment with the look, sound, and shape of words! In Word Search Jr. players select "Puzzle" to c...
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Gigi and Lily
9 years ago
by Dale Robert Kilgore, Jr
In this educational app kids find hidden numbers by interacting with items on screen. Also they lear...
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Sleepy Cube
9 years ago
by Dale Robert Kilgore, Jr
Can you keep Sleepy Cube from falling down?
Duck and jump over Sleepy Rocks while dodging the Sandm...
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Plaiiin Jenkins Status
8 years ago
by Martin Schwaller
Jenkins is very powerful and flexible but finding build error causes in a large team can become time...
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Plaiiin Jenkins Status Pro
8 years ago
by Martin Schwaller
Jenkins is very powerful and flexible but finding build error causes in a large team can become time...
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Tulee Studio - Make Games
8 years ago
by Nicolas Ruiz Jr
Create 2d games with Tulee Studio. No coding required!
Tulee Studio uses Haxe, OpenFL, and HaxeFlix...
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