Company Key Publishing created these great apps:
Aeroplane - Aviation Magazine, FlyPast - Aviation Magazine, Aviation News Magazine, Airfix Model World Magazine, Bowls International Magazine, Airliner World Magazine, PC Pilot - Flight Sim Magazine, Airports of the World Magazine, AirForces Monthly Magazine, AIR International Magazine, Avion Revue Internacional, Avion Revue (América Latina), Aviation Special Magazines, Combat Aircraft Journal, Pilot Magazine, Hornby Magazine, Britain at War Magazine, Classic Military Vehicle Mag., Modern Railways Magazine, Railways Illustrated Magazine, Aeroplane Company Profile, Classic Land Rover Magazine, Buses Magazine, Steam Days Magazine, MLI Plus, Airports International Mag, Air Traffic Management Mag, Revista Avião & Piloto - as últimas notícias e testes de vôo do ar para novos e experientes pilotos e apaixonados por aviação, JETS Magazine - Aviation heritage news on classic airliner, military aircraft, aeroplane & jets, Aviation Archive Magazine, Revista Avião Revue- aviação civis, militar, geral, Britain at War - army, navy, air force history mag, Classic Land Rover magazine #1 monthly owner news, Classic Military Vehicle Mag, Aviation News #1 combat jet, airliner, warbird mag, Hornby Mag - rail modelling, railway modeller news, Bus & Coach Preservation Mag, AIR Intl- combat aircraft, commercial aviation mag, Modern Railways - Rail transport industry magazine, Railways Illus-modern rail, steam railway magazine, Airports of the World - #1 civil aviation magazine, PC Pilot Magazine, AirForces Monthly Magazine, Airfix Model World - plastic scale modelling mag, Airliner World - airplane, aircraft & airport mag, Buses Magazine- modern & classic, bus & coach news, Combat Aircraft #1 airforce, military aviation mag, FlyPast- aviation war history, classic warbird mag, Aeroplane- classic aircraft aviation, airplane mag, Revista Avion Revue Int LATAM noticias de aviación, Revista Avion Revue Int - ES noticias de aviación, Bowls Int'l - indoor club, crown & lawn bowler mag, and others..