Company 健 李 created these great apps:
LocRec - Record Location with Photos by Route, Gravimeter, Antipodes - the furthest distance in the earth, Magnetometor, Gaussmeter - Teslameter, Noise-meter - dB-meter, Decibel Meter, Sound Level Meter, Measure the sound around you easily, Angle Conv, LxMeter - Lux Meter, Light Meter, RndNumGen - Uniform Distribution Random Number Generator, RGB Converter - RGBa to HEX, CMYK, HSV, HSL, XYZ, GaussRndGen - Gaussian Normal Distribution Random Number Generator, ThunderDist, LatLon Convertor, Heart Sutra - Painting, Reading, Singing, Time Slow, Mount Fuji, Tokaido, GeoDict - Geomatics Professional Dictionary, Top Ten Paintings, Map Surveyor, iTraceMap, MapEle, EarthQuakes - from USGS, Happy Heroes - Audio Book, Full Moon Scimitar - Audio Book, Death Duel-Audio Book, Rolling Ruler - Measure Length Easily, Wu Kong - Monkey King, Audio Book, Speedometer - HUD, Go to Point, Clinometer - Tiltmeter, Audible Miracles - piano music for children and pregnant woman, Three-Body Problem - SF, Audiobooks in Chinese, Poetry Readings, Fortress Besieged, Border Town, Butterfly Sword - Audio Book, Ordinary World - Audio Book, The Prophet - Audiobook in English and Chinese, Gauss Projector - Gauss-Kruger Projection, Mercator Projector - direct & inverse solution of UTM Projection, Read It - TTS tool, Text to Speech, Rainy Alley - Dai Wang-shu, Poetry readings in CHINESE, Jean Christophe - by Romain Rolland, Audiobook in Chinese, 笠翁对韵 - 朗诵版, White Deer Plain - Audiobook in Chinese, the Old Man and the Sea - Audiobook in English and Chinese, Baby Blood Type Prediction Tool, 声律启蒙 - 朗诵版, Retirement Age - for China Mainland, The Golden Age - Audio Book in CHINESE, 训蒙骈句 - 朗诵版, AstroDict - Astronomy Dictionary, English & Chinese, Memories of Peking: South Side Stories - Audiobook in Chinese, Tsang Yang Gyatso - Audiobook in Chinese, Across The Sea - Radio Drama in Chinese, LocFaker - Change Current Location on the Map, The Little Prince - Audiobook in FR, EN & Chinese, 龙文鞭影 - 朗诵版, Norwegian Wood - Audiobook in English & Chinese, 幼学琼林 - 朗诵版, 增广贤文 - 朗诵版, 三百千 - 经典国学启蒙读物朗诵, The Godfather - Audiobook in English & Chinese, The Shawshank Redemption - Audiobook in CN & EN, Screenshots Splicer - stitch to a long image, 了凡四训 - 朗诵详解版, ECEF Coordinate Converter - between LLH and XYZ, Nalan RongRuo - Audiobook in Chinese, Run! Camera - measure distance and time easily, Walden - Audiobook in English & Chinese, The Straw House - Audiobook in Chinese, The Stranger - audiobook in EN, FR & CN, Barometer & Altimeter - for outdoor sports,fishing, Cam Measure - get distance, height, width and area, Lost Paradise - Audiobook in Chinese, Daddy Long Legs - Audiobook in English and Chinese, The Longest Day - Audiobook in Chinese, Tales of the Hulan River - Audiobook in Chinese, Sutra of the One Hundred Parables - Audio in CN, Buddhist Stories - Audio in Chinese, The Stories in Sutra - Audiobook in Chinese, Poetry Anthology of Nobel Prize Winners, Font Show - Fonts Style Preview, PicFrame - Combine Multiple Pictures Together, 大秦帝国之一:黑色裂变 - 有声小说, 大秦帝国之二: 国命纵横 - 有声小说, 大秦帝国之三: 金戈铁马 - 有声小说, 大秦帝国之四: 阳谋春秋 - 有声小说, 大秦帝国之五: 铁血文明 - 有声小说, 大秦帝国之六: 帝国烽烟 - 有声小说, Many Lives, Many Masters - Audiobook in Chinese, The Count of Monte Cristo - Audiobook in Chinese, Ode to Gallantry - Audiobook in Chinese, The Smiling Proud Wanderer, Ordinary World, The Proud Twins - Audiobook in Chinese, The Duke of Mount Deer - Audiobook in Chinese, Duck of Mount Deer - Wuxia Audiobook in Chinese, A Tender Blade - Audiobook in Chinese, and others..