Die Simulation ist nur im Fortgeschrittenenmodus realistisch, im einfachen Modus kann eine F-18 beispielsweise nichtmal eine Rolle vollführen. Die Missionskämpfe waren anfangs unterhaltsam, nun eintönig. (welcher Meisterentwickler kam auf die Idee vor die brisanten Kämpfe 70km Anflugweg einzubauen?!) Der Multiplayer ist nicht existent, niemand online.
Estimation application downloads and cost
Plan your tactical missions and start now the World Supremacy challenge. Destroy ground, sea and air targets. Fight against waves of enemy planes in Dog Fight. Thousands of new missions every day: an adventure without limits!
Realistic world maps and navigation, over 500 real airports, 1,107 runways, aircraft carriers and real-time weather conditions.
Train and get ready to combat. Test yourself in World Supremacy, where you will take part in the best missions published worldwide. Become a flying ace in Dog Fight, where you will face ever stronger enemy jets: 6 game modes to become a top gun. Unlock new increasingly powerful weapons for each aircraft.
Using aircraft carriers or airports as a base for your missions, you can expand your range of action.
Choose an area of the world and create your tactical missions, choosing from a huge selection of different air/ground/naval targets. Publish your best missions and let other players rate them.
Featuring 569 of the worlds major airports with locations and runway lengths accurately reproduced.
The planes you will fly are true to life in performance, characteristics and fuel capacity: you can test yourself in vertical takeoff, take advantage of the variable-geometry wings and fly in the cockpit of the best fighter jets on the planet.
The flight engine allows you to navigate the entire globe, but pay attention to fuel capacity and make sure to ask for in-flight refueling in time.
F/A-18 Super Hornet
MiG-29K Fulcrum
F-14 Super Tomcat
A-6 Intruder
AV-8B Harrier II
F35B Lightning II
F4E Phantom II
F-16 Falcon
SU-47 Berkut
F-22 Raptor
EF Typhoon
A-10 Thunderbolt II
Dassault Rafale
Panavia Tornado
Some features require In-App purchases
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | free |
China | free |
France | free |
Germany | free |
Italy | free |
Netherlands | free |
Portugal | free |
Spain | free |
Poland | free |
UK | free |
India | free |
Japan | free |
Korea, Republic Of | free |
Poland | free |
Russia | free |
Turkey | free |
USA | free |
Korea, Republic Of | free |
Ukraine | free |
Available for devices
iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPodTouchFourthGen, iPad2Wifi, iPad23G, iPhone4S, iPadThirdGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPhone5, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadFourthGen, iPadFourthGen4G, iPadMini, iPadMini4G, iPhone5c, iPhone5s, iPadAir, iPadAirCellular, iPadMiniRetina, iPadMiniRetinaCellular, iPhone6, iPhone6Plus, iPadAir2, iPadAir2Cellular, iPadMini3, iPadMini3Cellular, iPodTouchSixthGen, iPhone6s, iPhone6sPlus, iPadMini4, iPadMini4Cellular, iPadPro, iPadProCellular, iPadPro97, iPadPro97Cellular, iPhoneSE, iPhone7, iPhone7Plus, iPad611, iPad612, iPad71, iPad72, iPad73, iPad74, iPhone8, iPhone8Plus, iPhoneX, iPad75, iPad76, iPhoneXS, iPhoneXSMax, iPhoneXR, iPad812, iPad834, iPad856, iPad878, iPadMini5, iPadMini5Cellular, iPadAir3, iPadAir3Cellular, iPodTouchSeventhGen, iPhone11, iPhone11Pro, iPadSeventhGen, iPadSeventhGenCellular, iPhone11ProMax, iPhoneSESecondGen, iPadProSecondGen, iPadProSecondGenCellular, iPadProFourthGen, iPadProFourthGenCellular,Reviews
Einzelspielerunterhaltung für zwei Stunden
Could be better
Cant this app get better graphics like F-18 Carrier Landing 2, More planes (F-15, EF typhoon) and have more instruments (rudder)
2 more planes
Plz add the p-51 mustang and the fw-190
無料なのにこのクオリティはスゴイ! 戦闘機のゲームなら、これが一番いい!
Çevrimiçi kapışalım gelin
Molto bello
Molto bello e molto utile durante le lunghe attese in treno, metro o aeroporto.