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A powerful app for clients of Assured Resumes, LLC. Check out the latest news, videos, events, and specials.
About Us
Assured Resumes is a resume writing service that provides solid professional resumes at an affordable cost. We believe going above and beyond for our clients is most important, and providing an affordable service is one way of putting our clients first. Our company was formed on the basis of helping individuals achieve their career goals and reach a new level of professionalism.
We produce quality resumes that are an easy read for employers and speaks volume. Assured Resumes emphasizes on your strengths, achievements, and accomplishments; we will turn over every stone to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your finished product.
We promise to exceed the expectations of our clients and guarantee satisfaction! Assured Resumes would like to thank you for choosing our service and we wish you a successful career journey.
Check our website for interviewing tips and resume writing techniques.
App features includes:
-QR Code Scanner
-Resume Writing Tips
-View Lastest Resume News
-Track Resume Purchase
-And More...
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About Us
Assured Resumes is a resume writing service that provides solid professional resumes at an affordable cost. We believe going above and beyond for our clients is most important, and providing an affordable service is one way of putting our clients first. Our company was formed on the basis of helping individuals achieve their career goals and reach a new level of professionalism.
We produce quality resumes that are an easy read for employers and speaks volume. Assured Resumes emphasizes on your strengths, achievements, and accomplishments; we will turn over every stone to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your finished product.
We promise to exceed the expectations of our clients and guarantee satisfaction! Assured Resumes would like to thank you for choosing our service and we wish you a successful career journey.
Check our website for interviewing tips and resume writing techniques.
App features includes:
-QR Code Scanner
-Resume Writing Tips
-View Lastest Resume News
-Track Resume Purchase
-And More...
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | free |
China | free |
France | free |
Germany | free |
Italy | free |
Netherlands | free |
Portugal | free |
Spain | free |
Poland | free |
UK | free |
India | free |
Japan | free |
Poland | free |
Russia | free |
Turkey | free |
USA | free |
Korea, Republic Of | free |
Ukraine | free |