Estimation application downloads and cost
Solve Crossword Puzzles in Style: free to download and use, with optional paid upgrade for premium features. Try all the premium features for 14 days with a free in-app-trial "purchase." NOTE: You will only be charged if you choose to unlock premium features permanently.
Everything you need to download, solve, and print puzzles on your Mac.
Compatible with macOS 10.12 and later, including macOS Catalina.
Black Ink is free to use indefinitely with some premium features disabled. Unlock Black Inks premium features with a one-time purchase to enjoy these additional features:
- Check your answers with most puzzles
- Race the clock with our puzzle timer
- Print book-quality copies of puzzles for solving on paper
Black Ink opens and solves puzzles that use the Across Lite format, which are distributed by several free and paid sources in the United States, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, American Values Club, and others.
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Everything you need to download, solve, and print puzzles on your Mac.
Compatible with macOS 10.12 and later, including macOS Catalina.
Black Ink is free to use indefinitely with some premium features disabled. Unlock Black Inks premium features with a one-time purchase to enjoy these additional features:
- Check your answers with most puzzles
- Race the clock with our puzzle timer
- Print book-quality copies of puzzles for solving on paper
Black Ink opens and solves puzzles that use the Across Lite format, which are distributed by several free and paid sources in the United States, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, American Values Club, and others.
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | free |
China | free |
France | free |
Germany | free |
Italy | free |
Netherlands | free |
Portugal | free |
Spain | free |
UK | free |
India | free |
Japan | free |
Korea, Republic Of | free |
Poland | free |
Russia | free |
Turkey | free |
USA | free |
Ukraine | free |