Dress Assistant at Mac App Store analyse

App power index: 136 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Lifestyle Lifestyle
Developer: Software de Arte
Price: 0 free
Current version: 6.5, last update: 1 month ago
First release : 04 Jan 2011
App size: 0 Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )
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Catalog your entire wardrobe on your Mac and never spend hours dressing, undressing, and redressing again with Dress Assistant! See what matches, what doesn’t, and what plain looks good in seconds with this fun virtual wardrobe library before you even set foot into your closet!.

Dress Assistant allows you to catalog your entire wardrobe on your laptop or desktop via photographs and organize them into unique categories to mix, match, and critique at will without any undue hassle. You simply need to photograph your clothes either via your computer’s camera or with your personal digital camera and save them within the application. Once inside the app mixing and matching clothes for any occasion is as simple as selecting the wanted images and dropping them into Dress Assistant’s arranging screen.

Dress Assistant helps busy fashion lovers with the ability to add event’s into the apps calendar where they can save their attire combinations. Users can also save completed clothes combinations and note which occasions or meetings they were perfect for in the past. The app includes an intuitive user interface which is meant to enrich the everyday ritual of choosing clothes to make it both more fun and more efficient.
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Fashionomics 101

Ok, I know what you’re thinking: “It’s Cher’s closet organizer from the movie Clueless!” Kind of, but Dress Assistant will actually help you prevent your wardrobe from reaching massive proportions. While I did feel a little vain for purchasing this app, as an economist I maintain that it is an efficiency and utility maximizing tool. No more time wasted digging through drawers, closets and trucks of off-season apparel, and making a mess to figure out what to wear, pack, or donate. No more accidental double-buying of things you forgot you had tucked away. This app brings your entire clothing inventory to your fingertips, allowing you to organize pieces (by category and season), create outfits, and keep notes e.g. “A little snug when worn with push-up bra”. It really enables you to get the most out of your clothes, and clothing budget by avoiding regrettable purchases. Yes, taking good pictures of your clothes, or finding and copying jpgs from on-line clothing retailers is time-consuming, but once everything is loaded up, the time and money you will save makes up for it. I suspect the iPhone version would also be useful for those prone to impulse buying so they can check their own inventory before making a purchase. The only thing I don’t like is that you can’t layer pieces (like tops with jackets, for example) to see what they look like together. Overall, Dress Assistant is a great app that will make getting dressed fun and easy.

Exactly what I was looking for

I was dreaming of a solution to helping one to remember good coodinates in mens clothes before personal computers were common place. I was so happy to have found this application. I do not often dress-up but I do need a system to recall dress combinations for variety. This application sure helps in reminding me to get the best out of the clothes I have. I agree with another reviewer that having this database at your finger tips is handy for avoiding overbuying but more importantly helping on buying the "right" extra piece that matches or can be combined with ones existing clothes multiple ways. I have a friend who is as good as a dress consultant and I have documented his suggestions with this app so that I can not forget the possibilites. Very useful.

Отличная задумка

после последних исправлений всё работает круто и хорошо выглядит)

molto bene

Un app ben fatta che tuttavia potrebbe essere migliorata (come tutte le cose del resto) prevedendo altre opzioni come x esempio ulteriori tipi di indumenti, la possibilità di inserire anche la marca, una gamma più vasta di colori possibili ed infine naturalmente anche la lingua italiana. Una stella in più per incoraggiare

not worth the money

If you want to spend an inordinant amount of time cataloging your clothes and then pasting them together with mismatched pictures then this app might be for you. But if you think you are getting a seamless applicatin that allows you to really match what you want to wear with suggestions and recommendations, think again.

Great Wardrobing App

Ive tried out a couple of similar apps on my iphone but was always a little disappointed because the screen size was so small. Ive just started to play with this, but right now, it seems to be the best of the batch. * With each item, you can indicate size and season, making sorting and filtering super easy. * Because it is on a computer, rather than an iphone, photos are big enough to actually get a sense of how the outfit looks together. * Love ability to track which outfits were worn for big events with calendaring function * Packing list allows you to remember what you took for a trip and just replicate what works for the next one. * Can select from a variety of colors and sort and filter. To make this work, you have to photograh your wardrobe. Once it is done, it is really helpful to keep track of what looks work across seasons. Huge time savings. Highly reccomend for folks looking for a wardrobing app.

Great Start... Needs More

There are a few things really keeping this from being completely usefull. As of right now, Im usinging it, but not the way its intended. Since there arent many options to sort and find things in your wardrobe I am stuck naming all the outfits "casual, semi-formal, and formal" and in the note field I specify the weather the outfit can be used for. Here are a couple of things that NEED to be added and fixed for this to sell. Apon these changes my rating will go to 5 stars. Im am going to list the features that this program needs to have in order to be fully useful. 1) (ADDED WITH 4.1) When the program opens, it opens like I have never even used the program. When I make the window larger, make the items larger in the catagory and outfit list I can see them, when I close the program it goes back to default. This is annoying and should not happen. It should open exactly where and how I left it before I closed the program. 2)(ADDED WITH 4.1) Its great that I can drop in pictures and have them automatically put into my library. Why not be able to drag multiple pictures in. It would make the initial setup much more seemless. 3) A View all feature. There should be a way to view all the items at the same time. That way you can sort all of them. Sorting features - Without these following abilities, the wardobes are a mess 4) Sort by the overhead weather display. I should be able to press that and for it to auto sort the item and/or the outfit. 5) Like 4 you should be able to specify and sort outfits based on the weather they are best for. This can be as easy as implimenting the same 3 button weather approach that you use for items, for outfits. 6) In the outfits list, there is a lot of wasted space. You should be able to sort the outfit on a magnitude of user preferences, not just name and notes. I have no desire to sort by name or notes. 6a) Sort outfits by last date worn. Events are ok but you have to go into the outfit to see when you last wore it. If there is a quick button that says "Worn Today" and the list updates that would be far more usefull. 6b) Sort outfits by favorite outfit. Items really dont need to be sorted that way, the outfits do. 6c) "View all outfits with this item" I know you have this feature but the way it is implemented is not user friendly. Its more confusing. You should be able to right click and get options of and item. Or in the item view you can hit "View all outfits with this" 7) I like that there is a packing list, but I should be able to drag and drop entire outfits into the packing list. It should sort them by catagory and you should be able to print it out. So when dragging entire outfits, you can quickly pack the items AND see what entire outfits you packed. 8) Duplicate outfits so you can easliy create new combinations. 9) Duplicate catagories so you can have a similar looking picture but with a different name. I dont care for the folded shirt look when I want to specify other items, such as shorts, which there is no picture for. I know you can drop pictures into the catagory but it is still over the folded shirt look. 10) (ADDED WITH 4.1) Sort catagories. This should work similar to how most iphone apps with the black bar at the bottom. I should be able to sort the catagories based on what I use most to be on top. I have added a catagory of shorts that I wear a lot, yet to add to an outfit I keep having to scroll to the bottom. Coats is on top and I rarely use them. 11) An actual sync to the iphone would help. Everytime you change your wardrobe you have to download the entire wardrobe again to your iphone. I feel that these are extremely useful suggestions that you should use. With all of these implemented, there wont be any more reviews like "not worth the money" that I can see has already detered more than 60 potential buyers. 12) what happened to the amplify feature. If I cant see exactly what Im looking at, I dont know what I put together. Good luck and look forward to seeing updates!

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