Jai acheté et installé cette application en me fiant aux screenshots qui laissaient présager une multitude dinformations sur une seule fenêtre avec la possibilité den ouvrir dautres au regard des nombreuses icônes représentées sur la toolbar… malheureusement il y a peu de possibilités offertes en dehors des différentes cartes animées proposées par les services météo les plus courants. En outre, malgré la pauvreté esthétique on y trouve la plupart des informations nécessaires lorsque lon sintéresse un peu aux phénomènes climatiques tels que les ouragans. Les discussions (en anglais), les consignes de sécurité, les conseils de préparation en cas dalerte, tout y est. Une seule langue est malheureusement proposée, langlais, mais ce nest pas un problème car après tout cest la langue universelle en matière de météorologie. Dommage par contre quon ne puisse pas zoomer sur les cartes satellites et passer en mode plein écran :( Il manque aussi lhistorique des ouragans passés ainsi quune animation de ceux en cours. Personnellement je préfère Hurricane HD (iPad) bien mieux réussi mais qui nexiste malheureusement pas encore sur Mac. Jaime tout de même la mise à jour des cartes satellites quasiment en temps réel et très précises. Jencourage donc les développeurs à encore perfectionner leur travail et je conseille quand même Hurricane Track.
Estimation application downloads and cost
Hurricane Track 3.0 is the most advanced, modern, and easiest to use Hurricane Tracking, Radar, and Local Weather application. Hurricane Track 3.0 features incredible new features such as 14 World Radars, a new customizable dynamic Local Radar using NEXRAD "next-generation radar" technology, descriptive Textual Forecasts, future Projected Tropical Cyclone Paths, Historic Hurricane Paths, Regional Radars, National Radars, Lightning Intensity Radars, Sea Temperatures, Cloud Formations that can potentially turn into tropical cyclones, Maps, an Interactive 3D Earth and Solar System, detailed tropical storm information and discussion, and much much more!
Local Weather features photorealistic Day and Night time graphics, Ten Day Weather Forecasts, Wind Speed/Direction, Humidity, Highs/Lows, and much more. Local Weather Conditions are shown in the Menu Bar (Dark Theme compatible!) and a live animated NEXRAD Local Radar in the Dock. All three panes can be resized independently, with full Multi-touch gestures included. With all these features, Hurricane Track brings comprehensive Hurricane tracking and Radar technology to your Mac, at a very affordable price.
Hurricane Tracking Features:
- Projected Tropical Storm Paths: Future tropical storm paths for the next five days
- Graphical outlines of cloud formations that can turn into potential Tropical Storms
- Historical Hurricane Tracks going all the way back to 1949
- Sea Surface Temperatures for the past two months
- Interactive Map shows the latest Precipitation, Temperature, Clouds, Rain, Snow, Wind, and Sea Level Pressure
- Interactive 3D Solar System shows Sun, Planets, and Asteroid Belt
- Interactive 3D Earth with Live Clouds, Tropical Storms, and Earthquakes
- Tropical Storm and Weather Information, Summaries, Discussions, and Outlooks
- Multi-Touch gesture and Retina Display support included!
Radar Features:
- 18 World Radars (Full Color GOES-16 Satellite) with 17 Radars per location
- Customizable Advanced Local Radar using NEXRAD technology
- Innovative Lightning Intensity Radars
- Each Radar can be switched between locations on the fly
- Each Radar features Reload button to make sure you always have the latest data
- Dock Icon shows Animated NEXRAD Local Radar
Local Weather Features:
- Local Weather features Photorealistic Day/Night Graphics, with over 200,000 locations around the globe supported; updates every 15 minutes
- Local Weather supports Unlimited Multiple Locations, Imperial/Metric systems,F°/C°; 24 Hour Clock Option
- Local Weather Conditions in menubar (Dark Theme compatible, must be enabled in Preferences)
- 10 Day Forecast on main window
- 5 Day Forecast in menubar
- Textual Forecast gives detailed descriptions for different periods throughout the day (Provided by U.S. National Weather Service)
- Wind Speed, Direction, Humidity, Conditions and more
- Advanced, yet super easy to use
*Please note Local Radar, Regional Radar, and Textual Forecast features are for the United States only*
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 7.99 CAD |
China | 38 CNY |
France | 6.99 EUR |
Germany | 6.99 EUR |
Italy | 6.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 6.99 EUR |
Portugal | 6.99 EUR |
Spain | 6.99 EUR |
Poland | 6.99 EUR |
UK | 5.99 GBP |
India | 599 INR |
Japan | 1000 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 8800 KRW |
Poland | 29.99 PLN |
Russia | 499 RUB |
Turkey | 249.99 TRY |
USA | 5.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 6.59 USD |
Ukraine | 6.99 USD |
Available for devices
Peut mieux faire
no very impressive
very primitive interface- only real quality items are the radar images engine and the automatic location and download of NOAA maps. If you have an ipad or iphone get the storm app instead. authors of this program shoudl take a look at storm and maybe get some ideas how to make it better. $2 ok, $8 not worth it.
Pretty Good
I was skeptical when I purchased this and was presently surprised. I’ve used a number of Hurrican Tracking programs over the years living in Florida and this is pretty good. It’s a nice simple interface that provides a lot of information all put together niceley and is somewhat customizable. It looks like like the development team is on the right track with this version and I am sure it will only get better with future release.
Woah … this changed for the worse!
Used to be excellent. Now - greatly reduced physical size of images, most of app says no data available and becomes unresponsive when attempting to toggle switches. Definitely do not wast time or money.
Simply doesn’t work properly!
The app constantly locks up as it tries to download information that it needs to operate properly. I get an app non-responsive message and need to force quit the app.
Ok but lacking...
For the casual hurricane tracker this app is ok. It is just a compendium of feeds and maps from NHC. It is nice to have all of this info in one place. this app is similar to the one by the same developer for iOS. Nevertheless, seasoned trackers will be dissapointed as it does not include custom tracks and historical tracks like older (and now discontinued and unsupported apps). What we need is a new app with the functionality of "MacHurricane" and "Eye of the Storm".
Very disappointing
First of all, the "radars" are actually satellites. This app lacks so much. It just puts some maps and outlooks all in one place, which is nice, but would be nicer if they werent so small and streched with no option to view them full size. For $4.99, I would like to be able to see all of the maps and graphics that are available from the NHC. The NHC website is more useful than this app.