KOYAA at Mac App Store analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Games Adventure Family
Developer: Dawn of Play
Price: 0 free
Current version: 1.0, last update: 4 years ago
First release : 09 Oct 2019
App size: 450.69 Mb
4.8 ( 8048 ratings )
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The KOYAA mobile game, made in stop-motion animation, lets children interact with our heros life on the rocky ledge in five different adventures. Naturally, these are packed with action, silly falls, laughter and naughty objects causing trouble left and right. The players are asked to flex their brain and also show some dexterity.

How to prevent a toy car from racing all over the room?
Look, Koyaas paper plane is darting away! Can you help?
How to feed a book thirsty for knowledge?
Koyaa loves hide-and-seek, and you?
Up for a daring down-slope ride? Koyaa wants to sled!

As Koyaa likes to say, the naughty objects are no joke but theyre still funny! If you manage to catch them all, Koyaa will be first to congratulate you, sharing enthusiasm over your sticker album of outwitted items.


Koyaa lives on a rocky ledge high above the clouds. His days are interrupted by everyday objects coming to life and misbehaving. Koyaa has to find ever-new creative solutions to fix the trouble they cause.

Since 2009, when Koyaa first appeared we have been working on polishing his world and getting across the message of persistence and creativitys value to the children and their parents. The mobile game KOYAA, entirely made in stop-motion technique, builds on the already existing Koyaa short stop-motion animated films. We have successfully completed fourteen films and Koyaa is fast becoming a well-known animated character. We are aware of how important it is to expand Koyaa’s world to other media, turning him into a truly three-dimensional animated hero.

Koyaa carries a universal message: that situations that at first glance appear insurmountable can be turned to your advantage with imagination and good humour, and be resolved in an interesting way. He doesnt lecture kids, but rather portrays the ways keeping an open mind can help us deal with our daily struggles.

V mobilni igri KOYAA, narejeni v tehniki lutkovne stop animacije, otroci v petih dogodivščinah pobližje spoznajo Koyoo in njegovo življenje na gori, kjer seveda ne manjka napetih akcij, nerodnih padcev, smeha in nagajivih predmetov. Igralec mora ob tem napeti možgane in skozi igro pokazati tudi kar nekaj spretnosti.

Kako prepričati avtomobilček, da ne dirja po sobi?
Poglej, Koyii je pobegnilo letalo! Mu lahko pomagamo?
Kako nahraniti knjigo, željno znanja?
Koyaa ima rad skrivalnice, pa vi?
Imate pogum za strm spust po gori? Koyaa je za!

Z nagajivimi predmeti ni šale, je pa hec, bi rekel Koyaa. In če vam bo predmete uspelo ukrotiti, bo Koyaa zagotovo prvi, ki vam bo čestital in skupaj z vami ponosno pokukal v vaš album, poln nalepk ujetih nagajivih predmetov.


Koyaa stanuje visoko nad oblaki, na gorski polici. Sicer mirne dni mu popestrijo nagajivi vsakdanji predmeti, ki oživijo. Da obdrži vajeti v rokah, mora vsakič znova ustvarjalno rešiti nastalo težavo z nagajivim predmetom.

Od leta 2009, ko se je Koyaa prvič pojavil, se trudimo nadgraditi njegov domišljijski svet in njegovo vztrajnost in ustvarjalno razmišljanje izven ustaljenih vzorcev prenesti na otroke in njihove starše. Mobilna igra KOYAA, narejena v tehniki lutkovne stop animacije, predstavlja nadgradnjo kratkih lutkovnih animiranih filmov Koyaa. Uspešno je realiziranih štirinajst filmov in Koyaa postaja dobro poznan animirani junak, s katerim se gledalci identificirajo v najširšem smislu.

Koyaa nosi univerzalno sporočilo, da lahko različne situacije, ki se na prvi pogled zdijo neobvladljive, s pomočjo domišljije in dobre volje obrnemo sebi v prid in jih razrešimo na zanimiv način. Tako namesto moraliziranja, na subtilen način podaja nauk, ki prikaže pomen ustvarjalnega spoprijemanja s situacijami.
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