Ich schließe mich meinem Vorredner an, stürzt sehr häufig ab, der kleine Bildschirm stört auch. Ansonsten nett gemacht! Trotzdem keine Kaufempfehlung
Estimation application downloads and cost
The ladybug want more water balls to drink, but it is not easy to collect the water ball.
She need to cut the water balls line by matching 3 water balls with the same color.
★★★How to play★★★
1. Simple one touch control
2. Cut the water balls line by matching 3 water balls with the same color
3. Prevent the water balls from entering the hole
--- Lite version has 1 base level with 9 sub levels
--- Full version has 5 base levels(study,relax,romantic,festival) with 9 sub levels in each one
--- Authentic sound from real natural world in different base levels
--- High quality graphics: a fresh visual feast for you!
--- Full imagination and fascination
--- Long hours of fun in total 45 levels ,will upgrade to 72 levels soon.
Addictive Ball game, grab it now!!!
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 2.99 CAD |
China | 12 CNY |
France | 1.99 EUR |
Germany | 1.99 EUR |
Italy | 1.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 1.99 EUR |
Portugal | 1.99 EUR |
Spain | 1.99 EUR |
Poland | 2.29 EUR |
UK | 1.99 GBP |
India | 199 INR |
Japan | 300 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 3300 KRW |
Poland | 9.99 PLN |
Russia | 199 RUB |
Turkey | 99.99 TRY |
USA | 1.99 USD |
Ukraine | 1.99 USD |
Available for devices
Stürzt ständig ab!
Do Not Buy
Highly unreliable. Crashes. Spend some time searching for great reliable games. Now I have lost my $1.99
- stürzt beim Spielen häufig ab - keine Anpassung an Bildschirmauflösung möglich / kein FullScreen - schlechte Anpassung an nicht-touch-Steuerung
Poor knockoff of Luxor
I downloaded this because it looked like Luxor. This has got to be the worst version Ive ever played. Dont waste your money.
Dont buy this game!
This game is the worst! highly unstable and unpredictable and doesnt even play right! Dont waste your money in fact everyone who ever bought it should get refunded for fraudlent advertising!