Dieses Tool bietet nur ca 20 Kampfsportarten zu denen jeweils nur ein kurzer 10 Zeilen Text angezeigt werden kann... keine Bilder, keine Techniken nix.... eine echte Frechheit sondergleichen dafür Geld zu nehmen, selbst als kostenloses Tool wäre dies schon ziemlich lächerlich ausgestattet.... Finger weg hiervon!
Estimation application downloads and cost
The Martial Arts application delivers martial arts interesting facts to you quickly and at your fingertips. The picker wheel contains martial arts from all over the world including different variations.
Spin the wheel and pick the martial art you would like to know about. Then click the "Select Style" button to find out more about that martial art!
Its that easy. Its fast and its fun!
Best of all - Updates are FREE!
Martial Arts works OFFLINE and does not take up much space on your device.
We are very interested in continually enhancing this application. We value your reviews and emails so please keep them coming!
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 0.99 CAD |
China | 8 CNY |
France | 0.99 EUR |
Germany | 0.99 EUR |
Italy | 0.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 0.99 EUR |
Portugal | 0.99 EUR |
Spain | 0.99 EUR |
Poland | 1.09 EUR |
UK | 0.99 GBP |
India | 99 INR |
Japan | 150 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 1100 KRW |
Poland | 4.99 PLN |
Russia | 99 RUB |
Turkey | 39.99 TRY |
USA | 0.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 1.09 USD |
Ukraine | 0.99 USD |
Available for devices
iPhone3GS, iPadWifi, iPad3G, iPhone4, iPodTouchThirdGen, iPodTouchFourthGen, iPad2Wifi, iPad23G, iPhone4S, iPadThirdGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPhone5, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadFourthGen, iPadFourthGen4G, iPadMini, iPadMini4G, iPhone5c, iPhone5s, iPadAir, iPadAirCellular, iPadMiniRetina, iPadMiniRetinaCellular, iPhone6, iPhone6Plus, iPadAir2, iPadAir2Cellular, iPadMini3, iPadMini3Cellular, iPodTouchSixthGen, iPhone6s, iPhone6sPlus, iPadMini4, iPadMini4Cellular, iPadPro, iPadProCellular, iPadPro97, iPadPro97Cellular, iPhoneSE, iPhone7, iPhone7Plus, iPad611, iPad612, iPad71, iPad72, iPad73, iPad74, iPhone8, iPhone8Plus, iPhoneX, iPad75, iPad76, iPhoneXS, iPhoneXSMax, iPhoneXR, iPad812, iPad834, iPad856, iPad878, iPadMini5, iPadMini5Cellular, iPadAir3, iPadAir3Cellular, iPodTouchSeventhGen, iPhone11, iPhone11Pro, iPadSeventhGen, iPadSeventhGenCellular, iPhone11ProMax, iPhoneSESecondGen, iPadProSecondGen, iPadProSecondGenCellular, iPadProFourthGen, iPadProFourthGenCellular,Reviews
Finger Weg!
Зря только деньги потратил.
Не обманитесь, прога ничего из себя не представляет. Скупые описания видов единоборств, тупо список оружия без иллюстраций. Былоб за что платить... Очень разочарован.
Mi dovete RIBORSARE!!!!!!!
Priva di contenuti: contiene solamente una lista di arti marziali più una lista di armi..... Per la cronaca, ne so molto di più io. Vergognatevi.
Fregatura !! Soldi buttati.
E solo una lista, fatta anche male, di Arti marziali. Da cancellare!
Great reference!
Thanks to this app, I have learned about styles of martial arts I had not heard of before: Muay Thai, Pencak Silat, and more. Cool reference!
Awesome quick reference app for martial artists!
Great design makes interface seamless. I like the bite size reference. Near step - links to websites?
Youre kidding right? All this has is a tiny paragraph on severall martial arts......thats it. Refund please!