Jai télécharger, et que ne fut pas ma surprise de le voir en multilingue, la langue francaise y est.
Estimation application downloads and cost
Moneydance encrypts your data file on your computer and uses strong end-to-end encryption for syncing. Moneydance has no advertising, and we do not collect any analytics or other data.
The summary screen is an overview of your entire financial picture. Account balances, a calendar of scheduled transactions and reminders, investment account status, exchange rates, and stock quotes, all at a glance.
Moneydance can download transactions and send payments through over 11,000 financial institutions. It learns how to categorize and clean up downloaded transactions. Send online payments, for banks that support them, directly from scheduled transaction notifications. Please note that online banking services may incur additional fees, depending upon the bank and download method used.
The account register is used to add, edit, and delete transactions in an account. Balance calculations and transaction sorting are done automatically. Payee auto-completion makes it ridiculously easy to enter and categorize your transactions, while the quick-search field helps find those needles in the haystack.
Follow your investments and bring your portfolio into focus with support for stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, and more. View the total value of your investment accounts or the performance of individual stocks and mutual funds over time. Stock splits and cost basis computations are a snap, and current prices are automatically.
Easily schedule future or recurring transactions so youll never miss a payment.
Generate visual reports of your income, expenses, budgets, and investments. Flexible parameters let you customize your reports by period, tags, categories, accounts, and more. Mouse over regions of graphs or double-click on report cells to reveal details. Easily save graphs and reports to images or html files, or memorize their settings for quick access.
Set spending and income targets for categories per month, week or any other interval. View your up-to-the-minute budget status right in the toolbar, on the summary screen or in graphs and reports. Use the highly acclaimed "envelope method" to specify expenses for each period and your status is shown with over-budget items highlighted.
Enable syncing via iCloud Drive or Dropbox to share your data across computers or mobile devices of any platform. Keep up-to-date with partners or accountants over end-to-end encrypted channels for the ultimate security.
Type a transaction description into the search field to have Moneydance cleverly fill in the details. For example, typing "1.23 sta" will suggest a transaction at Starbucks with the "Coffee" category and the last account you used at Starbucks.
Attach images, PDFs, and other files to transactions by dragging them into the register. Attachments are stored fully encrypted, but clicking its icon will decrypt and open it appropriate application.
Use the (free) Moneydance mobile app while on the go to record or edit transactions and view balances. Changes are synced instantly and securely with end-to-end encryption across all of your devices.
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 99.99 CAD |
China | 498 CNY |
France | 79.99 EUR |
Germany | 79.99 EUR |
Italy | 79.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 79.99 EUR |
Portugal | 79.99 EUR |
Spain | 79.99 EUR |
Poland | 54.99 EUR |
UK | 69.99 GBP |
India | 6900 INR |
Japan | 11000 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 99000 KRW |
Poland | 399.99 PLN |
Russia | 5990 RUB |
Turkey | 2999.99 TRY |
USA | 69.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 54.99 USD |
Ukraine | 79.99 USD |
Available for devices
Pas Mal
Bon logiciel de comptabilité perso
Si il est vrai que l’aide en ligne n’est pas en français, la totalité du logiciel est néanmoins traduite dans notre langue. Appli sympa qui fait ce qu’on lui demande à savoir une compta personnelle propre et de bons outils d’analyse. Le couplage avec l’appli Iphone via Dropbox fonctionne parfaitement et est d’une réelle utilité. J’ai testé pas mal de logiciel, mais visiblement c’est celui qui ressemble le plus à mon vieux Money que j’ai abandonné voilà 5 ans (notamment sur le plan du rapprochement des comptes). Préférant saisir manuellement mes opérations, je n’ai pas testé l’import à partir des banques. Didacticiel (en anglais) très clair. En revanche le prix est élevé
Super logiciel de compte
Vraiment superbe appli, vous recherchez un bon logiciel de compte comme « Money » à l’époque sur PC, ne cherchez plus, pour les utilisateurs Mac vous avez MoneyDance. Un peu difficile au départ mais au bout d’une heure on maîtrise l’utilisation et la ce n’est que du bonheur… Je vous recommande vraiment cette application
Logiciel de compta performant
Ce logiciel correspond à ce que je souhaitais : - possibilité de faire des synthèses par extractions de données - possibilité d’utiliser des champs libres pour effectuer certaines extractions.
O melhor até então...
Uso há vários anos o Moneydance e agora ele chegou à App Store. É bastante confiável e nunca me deixou na mão. Já testei vários outros e considero este programa bem melhor que os concorrentes para Mac. Possui muitos recursos, sem ser complexo. O visual é simples e objetivo, sem distrações. Poderia ser mais "Apple-like", porém é um preço que se paga por rodar em Java (funciona também no Windows e Linux, igualzinho!). Só não dou 5 estrelas porque o download automático de transações não funciona (ainda?) com os bancos brasileiros, embora os extratos salvos possam ser importados.
Gerenciador Profissional
Demorei para achar um substituto para o MS Money. Achei! Utilizo desde jul/2014. É estável, permite cadastrar categorias e diversos níveis de subcategorias, a importação de arquivos “ofx” é precisa. Relatórios e gráficos de bom padrão. A exportação para o Excel é prática e intuitiva. Roda perfeitamente no Mac, porém por requisito da Apple (e não do software) o arquivo é salvo em pasta específica e não permite alteração, o que não representa maiores problemas. Preço um pouco elevado, mas a relação preço x benefício é satisfatória.
Ficou péssimo na ultima atualização
O software é excelente para quem pretende controlar os gastos, cartão, financiamentos, investimentos e contas bancárias. Sincroniza via Dropbox, e você tem o recurso tanto em seu computador quanto no Smart fone ou tablet. O problema de sincronização foi resolvido na ultima versão, no entanto, no MAC ela simplesmente fecha!!! sem explicação alguma. Ficou péssimo, você mal consegue registrar porque ele simplesmente fecha!