attention arnaque!!!! nexiste pas en français!! seulement en anglais.
Estimation application downloads and cost
The Perfect Diet Tracker includes access to a large database of food items with no ongoing subscription fees or club memberships.
5***** Macworld Editors Choice.
√ Create a personal diet plan
You can let the diet tracker suggest a personal diet plan based on your current situation and the targets you want to achieve or enter your own custom diet plan. The app puts you in control.
√ Track what you eat with the food diary
Track your diet adding items you eat or drink to the food diary. With over 200,000 products in the food database adding items using the smart search is quick and easy.
If you cannot find a product with the smart search you can quickly add it using a form specifically designed for the product labelling in your location.
√ Let your Mac do the hard work
The app takes care of the calorie counting and exercise tracking for you, monitoring your calorific and nutritional intake. Stay within the targets and you will achieve the weight loss you want.
Carbohydrates, protein, fat, sodium and sugar intake can also be monitored automatically so you can check you are maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
√ Multiple users?
No problem and no extra charge. Each user can set a password so other users cannot see what you are eating or currently weigh.
You can use the right-click menu to copy items and meals between users so entering meals you have taken together is even faster.
√ Full international support
The app can work in pounds, kilos or stones and accepts user measurements in feet and inches or meters. When adding products you can work with standard serving sizes, grams, ounces, kilos and more. Would you prefer to work with calories or kiloJoules? You decide.
The international food database contains products for countries throughout the world including the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australasia and more. Our database is reviewed by humans to maintain the highest possible degree of accuracy and quality and avoid duplicates.
√ Add exercise to receive additional calories.
The app includes an extensive list of exercises you can add to the diary to receive calorie credits.
√ Work with recipes and groups
The recipe and group feature lets you group ingredients and enter them into your diary, perfect for adding your own home-cooked meals.
Insert a whole recipe into your diet or just a fraction (e.g. 1/2 a pie) and the app will calculate the calories for you.
√ Smart search
The smart search can use its own internal database or search the internet for additional products. The smart search learns as you use it so the more you use the app the quicker it gets, bringing products you have used before to the top of search results and correcting spelling mistakes to help you find what you are really looking for.
√ Reporting and Graphs
You can monitor your progress with the included reports and graphs. If you need to take a report with you, just print it off!
ⓘ Will the diet work for me?
The calculations used by this app work for the vast majority of people. If you are an extreme athlete, or have a very high body mass index (morbidly obese, category III) the app can still track your diet however it will be unable to suggest a daily calorific allowance. If you fall into either group you should consult your doctor to discuss a suitable calorific allowance and nutritional profile and enter these manually.
ⓘ Product Support
We believe the Perfect Diet Tracker is quite simply the best app of its kind available and want to keep it that way!
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us at [email protected] so we can help.
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 19.99 CAD |
China | 98 CNY |
France | 17.99 EUR |
Germany | 17.99 EUR |
Italy | 17.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 17.99 EUR |
Portugal | 17.99 EUR |
Spain | 17.99 EUR |
Poland | 27.99 EUR |
UK | 14.99 GBP |
India | 1499 INR |
Japan | 2500 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 22000 KRW |
Poland | 79.99 PLN |
Russia | 1290 RUB |
Turkey | 699.99 TRY |
USA | 14.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 20.89 USD |
Ukraine | 17.99 USD |
Available for devices
Great app
The app description says "Full international support" but it does not mean that the whole app is available in any language. In fact the app is in English, "Full international support" meaning that you can choose your unit system (metric or British). But if you are not bothered by the language, this is a great app, stable, easy to use, with a very large database of foods. And if you cannot find the food you want in the database, you can create it and re-use it afterwards. This was he first diet app I bought and, since the time I bought it, I have never felt the urge to switch to another one so I cannot compare with other diet follow up apps and tell whether it is the best one. But what I can tell is that this one is quite good. Losing weight is not easy by any means and using such an app will not make you lose weight, but at least you will have a good visibility of your calorie intake and you will not be able to make excuses: when you snack a pack of potato chips, its 400 kcal added to your balance and that is it. No way to escape that. And when you convince yourself to walk for 30 mn its 120 kcal off your balance sheet. Basic algebra. Whether you make an effort or indulge yourself is up to you, but, with that app, at least you know exactly what you are doing.
Programm auf Deutsch?
Ich glaube es ist ein sehr umfangreiches Programm, nur leider konnte ich nur das Land Deutschland einstellen...aber die Sprache nicht! Wenn es auf deutsch wäre, könnte ich es besser nutzen. Angegeben ist allerdings, das die deutsche Sprache einzustellen ist. Schade!
Das Programm ist zwar wie mein Vorgänger schon sagte auf Englisch, aber diese paar Begriffe sollte jeder zusammenbringen. Zur Not lernt man gleich ein wenig Englisch, was ja nicht schaden kann. Aber das Programm an sich ist einfach nur super. Man kann verschiedene Benutzer mit Passwort verwalten, seine Trainingseinheiten eintragen, Fortschritte verbuchen und erhält vorschläge, wie man sein Essen zusammenstellen sollte. Ausserdem findet man in der Datenbank schon eine Menge deutsche Produkte; wenn eines nicht dabei ist, fügt man es einfach hinzu. Alles super einfach, übersichtlich und die Anwendung läuft stabil. Mein Fazit: Das Geld absolut wert !
Ernährungstagebuch mit Diätfunktion
Um einen Überblick über meine Ernährung zu bekommen und gleichzeitig die Kalorien im Griff zu halten, habe ich mir den Perfect Diet Tracker zugelegt. Gerade bei Trennkostdiäten (wie z.B. Schlank im Schlaf) ist dieses kleine Programm sehr hilfreich, da man die Grammangaben von Kohlehydraten, Eiweiß, Fett und Ballaststoffen pro Mahlzeit problemlos ablesen kann. Die Lebensmittel-Datenbank kann problemlos manuell erweitert werden, so dass man ganz schnell "seine" Lebensmittel im schnellen Zugriff hat. Ausgesprochen gut gefällt mir der Synch über die Dropbox. So kann ich sowohl am Schreibtisch als auch am MacBook mein Essen erfassen. (Die dazu passende iOS-App habe ich getestet, aber nach ganz kurzer Zeit wieder vom iPhone entfernt... für mich nicht das Wahre). Auswertetechnisch würde ich mir noch ein paar weitere Möglichkeiten wünschen, z.B. Kalorienaufnahme und Gewichtsverlauf zeitlich übereinander legen, monatliche Zusammenfassungen usw. Trotzdem bin ich von diesem Programm begeistert und nutze es jetzt seit über einem Monat mehrmals täglich, um eben schnell mein Essen zu erfassen. Man muß nur die Disziplin aufbringen, seine Daten einzugeben - das nimmt einem das Programm nicht ab ;-) Wenn man aber durchhält und die Gewichtskurve sich nach unten neigt, dann mancht es gleich doppelt Spaß, sich seinen Erfolg mit diesem Programm zu visualisieren.
FIRST Impression Impressed
Just downloaded it and started using it, and I am impressed so far. Easy to use, easy to navigate, simple to add products or exercises. User friendly in such a way that I will keep using it, even if really busy or cheating on diet. It would be great to have a supporting app for iphone, so one can add food or exercises using either the Mac or iPhone!
Great Application! Easy to Use
This application is very user friendly. It provides an easy way to track weight, daily eating habits, excerise and helps set the parameters in which you should stay to reach your goal(s). The food database is extensive and accurate, but it allows you to add your own food items as well.