An sich OK aber für einen Passwortverwalter mehr als ungewöhnlich: die App funkt nach Hause - warum erklärt der Anbieter nicht
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Simple & secure password management across devices and computers. pwSafe uses iCloud to keep your password databases backed-up and synced between Macs and iOS devices. It is compatible with open source Password Safe.
This application is not related to any application developed and/or marketed by PSafe Tecnologia S/A, including PSafe Total.
List of features:
- Dark Mode support
- Touch ID support
- iCloud sync, realtime and bi-directional
- Generates strong passwords
- Print a hardcopy of your data for ultimate security agains data loss
- Copy password with Command + C or P
- Copy username with Command + U
- Copy password and open website with Command + Option + S
- Double-click to easily copy password
- Lots of other hotkeys (see menus)
- Password history (per safe and per entry settings)
- Fully compatible with pwSafe for iOS and the famous Password Safe version 3.3.2
- Search in all fields (Command + F for faster access)
- Organize entries in groups
- Multiple fields (title, username, password, URL, email and notes)
- Full unicode support
- Multiple safes
- Unlimited passwords
- Unlimited password groups
- Syncs with iOS devices and many types of computers with Dropbox (requires Dropbox app)
- Syncs with many types of computers via other cloud storage services
- 256-bit encryption
- Fully secure app behavior:
- Clears password from pasteboard after a timeout period, when the computer sleeps or when the app exits (fully configurable).
- Locks safe when the app exits.
- Password is marked with all kinds of "non-persist" flags, so that pasteboard managers dont save or remember it.
- Two-factor authentication using YubiKey security token
Instead of trusting on a single developers security knowledge, pwSafe borrows all its encryption code directly from the famous Password Safe open source password manager (
Password Safe has been originally created by security guru Bruce Schneier and nowadays is maintained by Rony Shapiro. Since it has been around as an open source project for more than two decades, it has been extensively reviewed by many experts.
Apple’s standard end user license agreement (EULA) applies to the pwSafe app (
The (optional) services provided by pwSafe Cloud are subject to our Terms of Use (
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 19.99 CAD |
China | 98 CNY |
Germany | 17.99 EUR |
Italy | 17.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 17.99 EUR |
Portugal | 17.99 EUR |
Spain | 17.99 EUR |
Poland | 16.99 EUR |
UK | 14.99 GBP |
India | 1499 INR |
Japan | 2500 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 22000 KRW |
Poland | 79.99 PLN |
Russia | 1290 RUB |
Turkey | 699.99 TRY |
USA | 14.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 16.49 USD |
Ukraine | 17.99 USD |
Available for devices
Funkt nach Hause
Funktioniert gut
Ich habe mir die App gekauft, da ich Wert auf Sicherheit und stabile Funktion setze. Bisher klappt alles. Das addon für Safari funktioniert eigentlich auch ganz gut. Die Funktionen sind rudimentär, aber man weiß ja was man bekommt. Mit dem Funktionsumfang von z.B. 1password kann es bei weitem nicht mithalten, muß es aber auch nicht. Als Zweit-Tresor für wirklich wichtige Logins macht es bei mir einen guten Job. Man kann den Speicherort der Datendatei übrigens frei wählen, z.B. auch in „Dokumente“.
Sehr Enttäuschend wegen Abo-Problem
Bisher war ich sehr zufrieden, das App erfüllte allemeine Erwartungen - auch hinsichtlich der Synchronisation. Nun läuft das deutlich überteuerte Synch-Abo in den nächsten Tagen aus. Würde ja gern bezahlen, doch mit Paypal Brasilien funktioniert das aus Deutschland leider nicht. Auch meine Anfrage deswegen wird nicht beantowortet. D.h. ich kann das ganze in den nächsten Tagen in die Tonne werfen und in einem neuen App eingeben. Schade, sehr schade und eigentlich grenzt es ja schon fast an Betrug.
Ottima App, ma qualche miglioramento
Veramente un’ottima app, l’ho acquistata e dò 5 stelle per incentivare i programmatori a tenerla aggiornata e migliorarla. Perfetta per tenere un database condiviso via icloud/dropbox tra mac, iphone e ipad in modo da avere sempre tutte le password aggiornate con te! Grafica un tantino retrò ma bene o male semplice e funzionale, consiglio agli sviluppatori di integrare il toch id per i nuovi macbook pro in modo da non dover reinserire tutte le volte la master password.
Data loss issues with iCloud are back - it loses your data!
WARNING!!! DATA LOSS ISSUES!!! The current version is back to losing safes when used with iCloud. I can’t recommend this app until they figure out how to make it stable with iCloud. I use dozens of other apps with iCloud and none but this one ever have any problems. But problems with this app are much more impactful as if I can’t get in to my passwords I can’t use anything online… Beware - iCloud safes are unreliable, and if they want to force me to sign up for additional services to use this app then it really has no point, I will switch to the apps that support the iCloud services I *already* use. Support has not been very friendly.
I did the research for you!
This password manager is exactly what I was looking for! Simple, stored on my machine, non-AES, and works perfectly every time. It doesn’t use any risky/questionable behaviors such as connecting to a browser add-on. It took me awhile to find, but it was well worth the research and time.
Love the simplicity, yet power of this app. It just does exactly what it needs to do, seamlessly, across all devices. I’ve used this app for several years and once in a while make the mistake of thinking that something better is out there. Then I waste my time trying more glitzy apps and end up returning to PWSafe every time. It just works.