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Wallet Value for Cryptocurrency
Track & Trace your Cryptocurrency Wallet Value whenever and wherever.
Multiple Cold Wallets with your total Wallet Value combined with a breakdown per individual Wallet Value.
Wallet Value Currencies 货币 通貨 included:
US Dollar, (USD), EURO, (EUR), British Pound, (GBP), Japanese Yen, (JPY), Chinese Yuan, (CNY), Australian Dollar, (AUD), Hong Kong Dollar, (HKD), Canadian Dollar (CAD) Korean Won (KRW) Russian Ruble (RUB) Indian Rupee (INR) Brazilian Real (BRL)
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Swiss Franc (CHF)
Wallet Value CryptoCurrencies included:
Bitcoin, (BTC), Ethereum, (ETH), Ripple, (XRP), Litecoin, (LTC), Ethereum Classic, (ETC), Dash, (DASH)
Market prices Currencies 货币 通貨 included:
US Dollar, (USD), EURO, (EUR), British Pound, (GBP), Japanese Yen, (JPY), Chinese Yuan, (CNY), Australian Dollar, (AUD), Hong Kong Dollar, (HKD), Canadian Dollar (CAD) Korean Won (KRW) Russian Ruble (RUB) Indian Rupee (INR) Brazilian Real (BRL)
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Swiss Franc (CHF)
Market prices Cryptocurrencies included:
Bitcoin, BTC, Ethereum, ETH, Ripple, XRP, Litecoin, LTC, Ethereum Classic, ETC, Eos, EOS,
Firstblood, 1ST, Stellar, STR, Dash, DASH, Bitshares, BTS, Zcash, ZEC, Golem, GNT, Antshares, ANS, Monero, XMR, Siacoin, SC, Stratis, STRAT, Dogecoin, DOGE, Digibyte, DGB, Iota, IOT, Nem, XEM, Factom, FCT, Augur, REP, Nxt, NXT, Lisk, LSK, Waves, WAVES, Status, SNT, Steem, STEEM, Earthcoin, EAC, Syndicate, SYNX, Ardor, ARDR, Iconomi, ICN, Expanse
,EXP, Megacoin, MEC, Maidsafecoin, MAID, Peercoin, PPC, Namecoin, NMC, Clam, CLAM, Gnosis, GNO, Gamecredits, GAME, Decred, DCR, Curecoin, CURE, Cryptonite, XCN, Bytecoin, BCN, Syscoin, SYS, Lbrycredit, LBC, Siberian, SIB, Verge, XVG, Tenx, PAY, Monetaryunit, MUE, Infinitecoin, IFC, Voxels, VOX, Byteball, GBYTE, Ybcoin, YBC, Novacoin, NVC, Komodo, KMD, Stealthcoin, XST, Leocoin, LEO, Blackcoin, BLK, Edgeless, EDG, Viacoin
VIA, Reddcoin, RDD, Nubits, NBT, Pivx, PIVX, Emercoin, EMC, Zcoin, XZC, Vertcoin, VTC, Primecoin, XPM, Burst, BURST, Synereo, AMP, Tagcoin,TAG, Vcash, XVC, Unbreakablecoin, UNB, Creditbit, CRB, Digitalcoin, DGC, Bat, BAT, Aragon, ANT, Numeraire, NMR, Belacoin, BELA, Monacoin, MONA, Transfercoin, TX, Anoncoin, ANC, Funfair, FUN, Bitsend, BSD, Securecoin, SRC, Cloakcoin, CLOAK, Foldingcoin, FLDC, Decent, DCT, Steemdollars, SBD, Quark, QRK, Bancor, BNT, Digixdao, DGD, Vericoin, VRC, Omni, OMNI, Electronicgulden,EFL Chronbank, TIME, Elastic, XEL, Nexus, NXS, Bitconnectcoin, BCC, Navcoin, NAV, Nautiluscoin, NAUT.
- Easy account entry by pasting your account into the field of your best Cryptocurrencies.
(No password is required or requested!)
- Pull down to refresh to get the latest prices and your total Wallet Value.
- Switch from currencies and Cryptocurrencies with a single tap (real time data*).
- Select a Cryptocurrency overview with 24h prices for Last and best Mkt.Cap.
- See real time Bid & Ask prices.
Be aware Wallet Value could be very addictive.
Information is provided "as is" and solely as an informative resource. Wallet Value is not a trading advisor. Contact a financial specialist or your broker for your trading decisions. Data may be delayed or incorrect.
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Track & Trace your Cryptocurrency Wallet Value whenever and wherever.
Multiple Cold Wallets with your total Wallet Value combined with a breakdown per individual Wallet Value.
Wallet Value Currencies 货币 通貨 included:
US Dollar, (USD), EURO, (EUR), British Pound, (GBP), Japanese Yen, (JPY), Chinese Yuan, (CNY), Australian Dollar, (AUD), Hong Kong Dollar, (HKD), Canadian Dollar (CAD) Korean Won (KRW) Russian Ruble (RUB) Indian Rupee (INR) Brazilian Real (BRL)
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Swiss Franc (CHF)
Wallet Value CryptoCurrencies included:
Bitcoin, (BTC), Ethereum, (ETH), Ripple, (XRP), Litecoin, (LTC), Ethereum Classic, (ETC), Dash, (DASH)
Market prices Currencies 货币 通貨 included:
US Dollar, (USD), EURO, (EUR), British Pound, (GBP), Japanese Yen, (JPY), Chinese Yuan, (CNY), Australian Dollar, (AUD), Hong Kong Dollar, (HKD), Canadian Dollar (CAD) Korean Won (KRW) Russian Ruble (RUB) Indian Rupee (INR) Brazilian Real (BRL)
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Swiss Franc (CHF)
Market prices Cryptocurrencies included:
Bitcoin, BTC, Ethereum, ETH, Ripple, XRP, Litecoin, LTC, Ethereum Classic, ETC, Eos, EOS,
Firstblood, 1ST, Stellar, STR, Dash, DASH, Bitshares, BTS, Zcash, ZEC, Golem, GNT, Antshares, ANS, Monero, XMR, Siacoin, SC, Stratis, STRAT, Dogecoin, DOGE, Digibyte, DGB, Iota, IOT, Nem, XEM, Factom, FCT, Augur, REP, Nxt, NXT, Lisk, LSK, Waves, WAVES, Status, SNT, Steem, STEEM, Earthcoin, EAC, Syndicate, SYNX, Ardor, ARDR, Iconomi, ICN, Expanse
,EXP, Megacoin, MEC, Maidsafecoin, MAID, Peercoin, PPC, Namecoin, NMC, Clam, CLAM, Gnosis, GNO, Gamecredits, GAME, Decred, DCR, Curecoin, CURE, Cryptonite, XCN, Bytecoin, BCN, Syscoin, SYS, Lbrycredit, LBC, Siberian, SIB, Verge, XVG, Tenx, PAY, Monetaryunit, MUE, Infinitecoin, IFC, Voxels, VOX, Byteball, GBYTE, Ybcoin, YBC, Novacoin, NVC, Komodo, KMD, Stealthcoin, XST, Leocoin, LEO, Blackcoin, BLK, Edgeless, EDG, Viacoin
VIA, Reddcoin, RDD, Nubits, NBT, Pivx, PIVX, Emercoin, EMC, Zcoin, XZC, Vertcoin, VTC, Primecoin, XPM, Burst, BURST, Synereo, AMP, Tagcoin,TAG, Vcash, XVC, Unbreakablecoin, UNB, Creditbit, CRB, Digitalcoin, DGC, Bat, BAT, Aragon, ANT, Numeraire, NMR, Belacoin, BELA, Monacoin, MONA, Transfercoin, TX, Anoncoin, ANC, Funfair, FUN, Bitsend, BSD, Securecoin, SRC, Cloakcoin, CLOAK, Foldingcoin, FLDC, Decent, DCT, Steemdollars, SBD, Quark, QRK, Bancor, BNT, Digixdao, DGD, Vericoin, VRC, Omni, OMNI, Electronicgulden,EFL Chronbank, TIME, Elastic, XEL, Nexus, NXS, Bitconnectcoin, BCC, Navcoin, NAV, Nautiluscoin, NAUT.
- Easy account entry by pasting your account into the field of your best Cryptocurrencies.
(No password is required or requested!)
- Pull down to refresh to get the latest prices and your total Wallet Value.
- Switch from currencies and Cryptocurrencies with a single tap (real time data*).
- Select a Cryptocurrency overview with 24h prices for Last and best Mkt.Cap.
- See real time Bid & Ask prices.
Be aware Wallet Value could be very addictive.
Information is provided "as is" and solely as an informative resource. Wallet Value is not a trading advisor. Contact a financial specialist or your broker for your trading decisions. Data may be delayed or incorrect.
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | 5.49 CAD |
China | 25 CNY |
France | 4.49 EUR |
Germany | 4.49 EUR |
Italy | 4.49 EUR |
Netherlands | 4.49 EUR |
Portugal | 4.49 EUR |
Spain | 4.49 EUR |
UK | 3.99 GBP |
India | 299 INR |
Japan | 480 JPY |
Poland | 18.99 PLN |
Russia | 299 RUB |
Turkey | 17.99 TRY |
USA | 3.99 USD |
Korea, Republic Of | 4.39 USD |
Ukraine | 3.99 USD |