Impossivel a atualizacao o que o app uma porcaria.NAo existe suporte pela empresa criadora.O produto ofertado nao conciz com o preco requerido.Eh muito caro para oferecer quase nada.
Estimation application downloads and cost
WavePad is a full featured professional audio editor program perfect for any audio project in the sound studio or at home. WavePad offers the ability to easily record and edit music with speed and agility, using insert, silence, auto-trim and more. Take your audio projects to the next level by adding effects, like: amplify, normalize, equalizer, envelope, reverb, echo, and reverse.
WavePad supports a number of formats including vox, gsm, and more! Whether you are a professional or an at-home enthusiast, WavePad has all of the tools you need to edit audio files. Typical applications include ringtones, voice-overs, trim sound bits, and many more!
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
Canada | free |
China | 698 CNY |
France | 99.99 EUR |
Germany | 99.99 EUR |
Italy | 99.99 EUR |
Netherlands | free |
Portugal | free |
Spain | 99.99 EUR |
Poland | 109.99 EUR |
UK | free |
India | free |
Japan | 15000 JPY |
Korea, Republic Of | 149000 KRW |
Poland | free |
Russia | free |
Turkey | free |
USA | free |
Korea, Republic Of | 109.99 USD |
Ukraine | free |
Available for devices
Pessimo app.
Codigo para registro do WavePad
A compra foi feita na Apple Store em 08.01.2016, mas até agora não recebi o código para registro do aplicativo. O suporte da empresa NCH Software não tem conhecimento da compra e pagamento que efetuei e não manda código para o registro. Espero não ser logrado. Se já paguei o aplicativo porque não posso registra-lo. Ronaldo Scaffaro (51) 99642003.
I had been using the lite version for many years and FINALLY decided to purchase the full version. Yes, it is an expensive application, but it is TOTALLY WORTH IT. As a dance instructor who constantly needs to edit music, this is THE BEST PROGRAM EVER! Thank you!
wavepadを5.50にアップデートしたら、ファイルを開けなくなって、音楽を編集できなくなりました。 高いお金でこのアプリを買ったので、使えなくなると非常に困ります。 自分のパソコンだけなのかもしれませんが、一応報告いたします。
No VST support after app store purchase
The application on the page appears to be 4.55 while on my mac it is 4.54 and still asking for an update. After an update it is again 4.55 and asks for an update. There is no VST support in this version of app which was installed from the mac app store while VST support was the main reason why I purchased this application. No support reply from the developers page.
Не стОит.
Слабенький редактор,не удобный,mp3 только с плавающим битрейтом,не расчитан на фастпродакшн.Лучшее, что сделано для VO это TwistedWave,ИМХО!
Great tool
I used to use Cool Edit Pro 2.0, before it became Adobe Audition, and WavePad is quite good in comparison. Great for anyone who needs to quick and easy edits.