iPhone3Gが出た時から、このスタックを再現した物がリリースされないかなぁと待ってましたが、遂に現実になろうとは…。 オリジナル版は、OS9以降だと正常に動かなかったので、今回の復活は素直に嬉しいです。 新規の人はグラフィックだけ見て、何だと思われる方が多いと思われますが、プレイすれば某ロフトの奴より全然面白いです。 派手なグラフィックや演出だけが全てでは無い事を示す、良い一本也。
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The black-and-white dot images, the computer-generated voice, and above all, the playful interaction of the Unyo! card game won a legion of fans! Regrettably HyperCard no longer runs on the latest versions of MacOS X, so playing the original game has been difficult. In response, "NOB" Nobuyoshi Kodera, the original creator of Unyo! and currently a popular writer and chairman of MIAU (Movement for Internet Advanced Users), has given his full cooperation in bringing Wild One to the iPhone.
Every effort has been made to faithfully recreate the original Unyo! experience from the screen display, "look and feel" of the interface, computer logic patterns, and even the mischievous dialogue.
The entertaining victory animation created by Hideyuki Tanaka, who is still an active illustrator today, rewards the winning user with a nostalgic sense of satisfaction.
--- About the original "Unyo!"
Since its release in 1987 and throughout the 1990s, the HyperCard authoring environment was included with all new Macs. Using this pioneering Hypermedia system, Nobuyoshi Kodera authored a HyperCard "stack" that became the Unyo! card game.
Wild One is based on Unyo! 2, the upgraded version of the original game. The computers "expressions" and the heartless "Draw Card" function contributed to the explosive popularity of the game.
For the iPhone version, new routines were developed; however, we are deeply indebted to Motoyuki Tanaka, who currently lectures at Fukui Prefectural University, for authoring the XFCN and his Hypercard optimization in the original game as well as his direct and indirect contributions to the world of network programming.
The game created by the legendary trio of Nobuyoshi Kodera, Hideyuki Tanaka and Motoyuki Tanaka is reborn!
--- Basic Rules
1. This is a Computer versus single player game. At the start of the game, each player is dealt 7 cards.
2. Each player takes turns, playing a card from their hand that matches the mark or number of the exposed card on the Discard pile. If you do not have a card that matches the mark or number, you have to draw one card from the Draw Pile, and it is the Computers turn.
3. The first player to discard all the cards in their hand is the winner! However, the last card cannot be a Wild or Special card. It must be a number card.
--- Card Types and Their Use
There are four different marks, and each mark has 10 number ranks (from 0 to 9). In addition, there are the following Special and Wild cards:
- DrawOne: Play this card and your opponent must draw 1 card and its your turn again!
- DrawTwo: Play this card and your opponent must draw 2 cards and its your turn again!
- Skip: Play this card and your opponent misses his turn and its your turn again!
- Wild: Play this card at any time, and name the Mark of your choice. The next discard must be that Mark.
- DrawFour: Play this card at any time, and name the Mark of your choice. Your opponent must draw 4 cards and its your turn again, plus the next discard must be the Mark you name.
You can counter a DrawOne, DrawTwo or DrawFour card played against you if you have and play the same card. For example, if the computer plays DrawTwo and you immediately counter with your own DrawTwo, then you do not draw any cards but your opponent must draw 4 cards (2+2). Counters can be met by counters. Therefore, in an ultimate battle, 4 DrawFour plays can result in a maximum draw of 16 cards.
... and there is more, but it is complicated and hard to write and even less fun for you to read. Instead, I invite you to start playing and you will soon discover everything you need to know. So get started!
Application availability
Available in countries
Country | Price |
France | 2.99 EUR |
Germany | 2.99 EUR |
Italy | 2.99 EUR |
Netherlands | 2.99 EUR |
Portugal | 2.99 EUR |
Spain | 2.99 EUR |
Poland | 2.99 EUR |
UK | 1.99 GBP |
Japan | 250 JPY |
Poland | 8.99 PLN |
USA | 1.99 USD |
Available for devices
iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPodTouchFourthGen, iPad2Wifi, iPad23G, iPhone4S, iPadThirdGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPhone5, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadFourthGen, iPadFourthGen4G, iPadMini, iPadMini4G, iPhone5c, iPhone5s, iPadAir, iPadAirCellular, iPadMiniRetina, iPadMiniRetinaCellular, iPhone6, iPhone6Plus, iPadAir2, iPadAir2Cellular, iPadMini3, iPadMini3Cellular, iPodTouchSixthGen, iPhone6s, iPhone6sPlus, iPadMini4, iPadMini4Cellular, iPadPro, iPadProCellular, iPadPro97, iPadPro97Cellular, iPhoneSE, iPhone7, iPhone7Plus, iPad611, iPad612, iPad71, iPad72, iPad73, iPad74,Reviews
昔クラシック2でハマってました。 感激です。(⌒▽⌒)
あの頃から、今までの間 時には違う方向へ行っちゃっていても また戻ってきて自分にとって大事な物をさがしていける そんな素晴らしい人たちが購入してコメントしていくんだろうなぁと 妄想に浸ります。
あまりの懐かしさに、即DLしました。 こういうのを待ってました。 ルーチンが変わったせいか、昔に比べて、1ゲームあたり の時間が長くなった気もします。(カードの出方が変わっ た気が・・・) しかしながら、非常に楽しいです。 あとは、ヘラブナ釣り・・・とかも出て欲しいですね。
働き始めて最初に買ったPB145Bでやりまくっていました. 某サイトで紹介されているのを見た瞬間にポチりました. で,立ち上げてみると...おお!!懐かしい音! 『ダッ!』『ダッ!』あれぇ???微妙にやり方を忘れてました... これからやり方を思い出します...
昔ハイパーカードでハマって以来、もう"うにょ!"はできないものだと思っていましたが、iPhone版が出て嬉しいです。 ただ、MIAUへの寄付ではなく元作者さんにライセンス料のような形で売り上げが行ったほうが個人的には良かったです。 あのムカつくMacの顔と声やカードの選択を間違えたときの画像などが良くて、気がついたら数時間ぶっ通しで遊んでしまうオススメのゲームです。