DiffWeather - Comparison between the weather of yesterday and today(Worldwide Weather) at Mac App Store analyse
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Is today warmer than yesterday? Colder? You dont need to go to web for searching the weather. DiffWeather enables you to compare the weather of yesterday and today in.
- The comparison between the weather of yesterday and today in same time (temperature, wind)
- The comparison of the weather across the world (Requisite for trip)
- Set two designated places at the most
- Various scales applicable (temperature : ºF vs. ºC / wind : miles vs. km/h)
- Multi-languages applicable : English, Spanish, German, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Italian, French, Russian, Korean, Japanese
If you do not allow location services can not add a new location. Turn on you location service.
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Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/pages/DiffWeather/201658896523532?sk=wall
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- The comparison between the weather of yesterday and today in same time (temperature, wind)
- The comparison of the weather across the world (Requisite for trip)
- Set two designated places at the most
- Various scales applicable (temperature : ºF vs. ºC / wind : miles vs. km/h)
- Multi-languages applicable : English, Spanish, German, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Italian, French, Russian, Korean, Japanese
If you do not allow location services can not add a new location. Turn on you location service.
You can download this useful application FREE.
This application will be sustainable with your helpful ratings and reviews.
Tell your friends on this amazing application.
This application will be improved when you and your friends use this together.
Please, leave a comment for bugs and requests on Facebook.
Questions and reviews here cant be answered by the creator.
A review written by your own language will be translated to my mother tongue, and I will be able to reply to your review as soon as possible.
Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/pages/DiffWeather/201658896523532?sk=wall