iCab Mobile (Web Browser) at Mac App Store analyse

App power index: 6752 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Utilities Productivity
Developer: Alexander Clauss
Price: 0 free
Current version: 9.9.4, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 21 Apr 2009
App size: 18.57 Mb
4.0 ( 6480 ratings )
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iCab Mobile is a web browser for iOS. iCab Mobile is customizable in almost all areas and can thus be made into your very own personal browser.

In private mode, no private data is saved permanently. Special private tabs increase privacy even further, with only a small loss of comfort.

Any number of profiles/user accounts can be created, with each profile having its own settings, bookmarks, etc. Profiles are suitable for an iPad that is used by the whole family, but also for users who want to separate professional and private surfing.

iCab Mobile can open any number of websites simultaneously in tabs. Tabs can be saved and organized in groups so that they can easily be loaded together again later. Tabs can be protected against accidental closing or overwriting.
On the iPad, multiple app instances can be opened as windows (Stage Manager, Split View), even with multiple profiles simultaneously (since iOS 18).

Filters can be used to block advertising, trackers, etc. Popular filter lists can be used directly (Easylist, AdBlock Plus, uBlock & compatible), but you can also define your own.

The user interface is freely configurable. Action, context and text selection menus, toolbars and gestures can be adapted to your own needs.

The user interface is barrier-free and adapts to the system font size and is compatible with VoiceOver.

Bookmarks can be organized in folders. “Smart folders” create special collections based on self-defined rules (e.g. the latest bookmarks from the last 2 weeks). Colored labels allow further categorization.

Download any files and manage the files in the download manager, including unpacking/creating ZIP archives, exporting/importing, etc.

The app offers a large list of search engines (self-expandable) that you can use to search directly on the web. It is also possible to search on the current page.

You can define what websites can and cannot do. Highlight important content with a highlighter, hide unwanted elements, allow buttons to be clicked automatically (e.g. for cookie messages). Control permissions for camera, microphone and sensor usage. Pro users can even inject JavaScript and CSS code into websites to customize them to their liking.

All data can be exported/imported (for creating backups, data synchronization with other devices/apps)

Widgets allow you to control the App and open bookmarks directly from the home screen. Websites can also be displayed directly there.

Open websites directly on the Apple Watch (albeit limited). Remotely control iCab Mobile on the iPhone from the Watch.

- Quick starter
- Configurable browser ID (UserAgent)
- Full support for international domain names
- Simple built-in RSS reader
- Kiosk mode - a more limited version of the full-screen mode for kiosk systems.

The app includes a store where you can give us a tip via InApp purchase to additionally support the further development of the app. The development of the app takes a lot of time and is a lot of work, which the low purchase price cannot cover. Te sources of income used by the big popular browsers, such as advertising, deals with search engines, tracking etc. are not an option for iCab Mobile.
Tipping is completely voluntary and you wont miss out on any important features if you dont tip. However, users who tip will be given the option to change the app icon as a thank you.
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Available for devices
iPhone4, iPad2Wifi, iPad23G, iPhone4S, iPadThirdGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPhone5, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadFourthGen, iPadFourthGen4G, iPadMini, iPadMini4G, iPhone5c, iPhone5s, iPadAir, iPadAirCellular, iPadMiniRetina, iPadMiniRetinaCellular, iPhone6, iPhone6Plus, iPadAir2, iPadAir2Cellular, iPadMini3, iPadMini3Cellular, iPodTouchSixthGen, iPhone6s, iPhone6sPlus, iPadMini4, iPadMini4Cellular, iPadPro, iPadProCellular, iPadPro97, iPadPro97Cellular, iPhoneSE, iPhone7, iPhone7Plus, iPad611, iPad612, iPad71, iPad72, iPad73, iPad74, iPhone8, iPhone8Plus, iPhoneX, iPad75, iPad76, iPhoneXS, iPhoneXSMax, iPhoneXR, iPad812, iPad834, iPad856, iPad878, Watch4, iPadMini5, iPadMini5Cellular, iPadAir3, iPadAir3Cellular, iPodTouchSeventhGen, iPhone11, iPhone11Pro, iPadSeventhGen, iPadSeventhGenCellular, iPhone11ProMax, iPhoneSESecondGen, iPadProSecondGen, iPadProSecondGenCellular, iPadProFourthGen, iPadProFourthGenCellular,
Comble tous les manques de safari. Super appli !

Tout est dans le titre


Est il possible de mettre un système de recherche pour les contacts dans les signets?

The best browser since a long time, and for sure the best one for a long time !

très bien

largement meilleur que safari, mieux intégré à IOS, bloque les pubs (sauf celle de facebook due à une limitation de IOS), fonction essentielle pour une navigation sans pollution publicitaire. bonne gestion des téléchargements et de la gestuelle. plein doptions pour personnaliser linterface. mémorisation des mots de passe de connection. vaut largement le prix.

Plantage intempestif

Dès quil y a plus de 2 onglets ouverts lapplication plante! Je ne sais pas si cest à cause de la navigation privée ou dun gros bug mais en tout cas cest génant! Dommage, sans cela lappli est la meilleure de sa catégorie... ipad 2, ios 6.1.2


Avant lapp fonctionnait super bien . Depuis lavant dernière mise à jour , lapp refuse de souvrir . Je viens de faire la dernière mise à jour et lapp Bug toujours . Cest dommage car cette application est vraiment bien . Jattends une nouvelle mise à jour pour remettre les étoiles ...

Le top

Pour moi cest incontestablement le meilleur des browsers alternatifs. Quasiment tout est paramėtrable. Les points les plus positifs par rapport à mes besoins : plein écran, possibilitė de mettre un mot de passe (avec un accès dit "invité" pour les utilisateurs de passage), sauvegarde automatique des pages web pour une consultation offline et last but not least possibilité de modifier lagent id cest à dire de faire croire au site web quon est par exemple sur Firefox pc plutôt que safari iOS. Ah oui léditeur est très présent et répond rapidement aux requêtes. Edit. Je retire les étoiles tant que léditeur ne proposera pas une version qui ne plante pas au démarrage sous ios7

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